For the past few months, I’ve found myself admiring and gravitating to create more of an eclectic vibe around the house. Ever since I published the last issue of “Thrift Life” magazine and being inspired by the boho queen Mocha Girl, I wanted (more like had) to have a peacock chair. The hunt for one began, and I looked and looked and looked., but the ones I found were drastically over my budget (insert my scratch off hoping I hit big so cost would not be an issue moment) In the meantime, I’ve just been mesmerized by these inspiration pictures.

The Jungalow

The Glam Pad

Coastal Living
and not to mention the slew of pins
I came across this rocker at Restore Habitat and was determined to have some sort of rattan/boho inspired chair in my abode. My mother has two of these on her porch and they are quite comfortable for rocking.
besides.. I figured it’ll be perfect for rocking my new little angel that we’re anxiously waiting for. Before making the purchase I perused another area of the store and found this one.. which was even better!! Now this was the rocker for me!!
Yea, I was thrilled especially seeing it was in fantastic condition.. on earth could I pass it up .. I brought it home and gave it a good cleaning with some Pine Sol. Once it dried, I polished it using Olde English. The rattan came to life and there was no way I was going to keep that dull cushion on it. I pulled some pillows from my stash for a change and added a favorite pillow.
Look how vibrant it looks in this space.
Here are some other inspirational rocker pictures to inspire you if you’re on the hunt for a rocker.
I’m very pleased with the burst of colors in this room.
At first I had none, then along came one, and then the following weekend on that magical Saturday afternoon … my friend texted me a pic… should I??
Ok guys.. ….. This is where I lose my lady cool…. because my response was …HELL FUCKIN’ YEA!!!!! eh hem… now back to my regular excitement.. 🙂 Yes, my sister huntress#2 Machelle lucked up and found it!! She was set to drop it by my husband’s shop on Monday and you know that was the longest weekend. I couldn’t wait to get it home..
Oh yea! Oh yea!!! heeeheee….. I originally wanted the peacock chair in the corner of the room where the rocker was, however, I prefer to keep the rocker there, soooooo I decided why not switch out the captain’s chair in the dining room (as in my inspirational pictures).
Now I have to say I’m on my way to adding that touch of boho to create my own vibe. One thing about boho style.. it’s a “whatever, however” you flow kinda look.
I’m sure this chair will make rounds in different zones around the house, but I sure do smile (more) when I peek in the dining room.
I’ve already started my fabric hunt to recover the chair cushions and can’t wait to find the right fabric for them.
I know this look isn’t for everyone… but it’s something I’m willing to try for a while and if I tire of it. I’ll just bring the original chair back in.. But for now, I’m enjoying the “different appeal”
So have you found anything from your wish list lately? If not, establish a thrift squad, because you can’t be every where all the time. Have your posse be on the look-out for you. Trust me… it pays off (as you see here). But in the meantime.. as always… Happy hunting while you thrift your house into a Home!!
Totally worth losing your “lady cool” over!!!!! When you have your heart set on finding something specific and it just pops up in great shape outta nowhere…lose on, m’dear! Lose on!!!🤣 Great finds and even better improvements on them! You’ve got insatiable patience!
Hey alycia!! Lol.. ..i’m glad I didn’t offend you.. lol.. but sometimes you just have to lose your cool!! Yea my patience level is very challenging at times.. but thank God ..i’m winning at it. Hope all is well with you.
Beautiful rocker and peacock chair! You find the most wonderful items!
Hey there Elle!! Thanks lady!! I’m out there trying to find some goodies😁.. hope all is well with you
Loving the Boho Vibe!!
That rocker is incredible! Loving that Peacock chair as well!
Hey Nancy! Glad to hear that.. I figure I’d test the waters with that vibe and see how it flows.. fingers crossed
Hi Jamala,
All I can say about your rocker restoration is WOW! It looks terrific. I love the cushion. Glad you found the peacock chair. Happy holidays!
Hey there Ruth!! Thanks a bunch lady!! I was thrilled I finally get to use that pillow.. it’s been stored a couple months and it’s perfect.. happy holidays to you too. Enjoy
Great finds!! I know you will enjoy it wherever you place it. Happy December my Dear.
Hey Neti.. thanks a bunch lady.. wishing you a happy December and enjoy celebrating the holidays
Jamala what great finds! I love the rocker and that peacock chair girl is too fabulous. Can’t wait to see what fabric you choose for the cushions.
Hey linda! Thanks.. far my fabric choice is not looking good but i’m going to keep searching.. fingers crossed.
Jamala, congrats on your two great finds. I feel your excitement screaming through this post.. The rocker is perfect for rock-a-bye-baby who will be arriving soon.
Thanks Marsha!! ..i’m so excited can’t wait to rock her in it..
Oh my word!!!! So excited for you and drooling too! I want one so bad. I love your rocker too and I LOOOOVE the peacock chair. Time to start my search
Veronica, hurry and find one..I can’t wait to see you style yours.. all the fabulousness you’ll have will be even more exciting to see… happy holidays to you