Easy Going/What I’ve Been Up to

I’m hoping this post finds you in well spirits and thanking you for being a part of my life.   I know I’ve been M.I.A on the blog (and YouTube Channel) but it’s because life (still) has been a bit tipsy turvy.  I’m dealing with some daunting health concerns but trying hard not to let it get the best of me.  I had to come off the preventive medicine for the breast cancer as it was causing severe joint pains.  Some days I could barely move and had to force myself out of bed (not sure what my next course of action will be as it seems all the meds have the same side effects).  I’m a bit concerned about not being on them because there is a risk of it returning, so I ask you to say a little prayer for me.   On top of my health, I had to deal with back to back evictions in two properties and another tenant leaving at another house. So between dealing with repairs and finding new tenants, things just got a bit overwhelming.  I actually lost focus on some of my enjoyment like being in my yard, working on projects for my home and (including staying connected with you).  Thankfully, I did have small pockets of happiness, to perk me up, like going to two House Music Events. One was in Society Hill, SC with my sister, cousins and friends.

They enjoyed themselves so much that it’s going to be our annual girls trip (which is great) and the other event, House Music on the Beach, was in Charleston and I attended it with my sister Amina (I’m so blessed to have her as my twin),

True story: the last time I saw the woman here with us, we were kids and we re-connected at one of the events a few years ago and rekindled our friendship through House music.

Also, to my surprise I was acknowledged because of my support of the Columbia House Music Project.  The founder, DJ Kelly Kel and her dream team work tirelessly to host these events and they are just a blessing to South Carolina.  Just being able to show up and dance, and be awarded for that was soooo special. Dancing is such a spiritual thing for us and being able to release, have fun with no commotion is truly one of the most satisfying moments.  I can’t thank them enough for the gift they share with us.

I spent a week in Texas for my granddaughter Lutala’s first birthday and again, it went toooo fast.

Again had a wonderful weekend in Mytle Beach with both my sons and granddaugthers, which of course went entirely too fast.  But nonetheless, I’ll take every moment I can get with them. The power the grands hold – if they only knew, lol … now I know how my mother really felt about her grands, she loved them immensely.  I love this picture of Avyn feeding Lutala (cousins love) like I have with mine.


and lastly, was able to hook-up with a thrift buddy and spend a good day out with her (thank you Annaliese).  While these were the joyful moments I so badly needed, I couldn’t help but reflect on some of those draining rental issues.  I remember when my sons were renters, their homes were kept up, made sure their places were clean and tidy and I was just so proud of how they maintained their homes. 

Not to mention I was thrilled to help them decorate and I know they appreciated it.

On any given moment, I’d pop in and never experienced uncleanliness issues.

When Jamil left SC and moved to Memphis, his apartment was left clean and vacummed.  His place in Memphis was the same.

And when Amir moved to Florida after leaving the Brick Cottage, again.. his home was neat and tidy.

Sidenote:   You know I was nervous with him moving that glass top table after the last debacle —Ughhh… but it made the move safely (it moved again and made it to Texas – it’s final resting place) because he bought another house there last year.

Of course I can’t wait to go add my touch to it 🙂

So after reflecting on them as tenants, then to see how some of the tenants lived in and left our properties, I was at witts end with frustration.  So much so, I shared my feelings and status in this video.  Things are back to normal with new tenants and I’m hoping it all works out, if not, I’m throwing in the towel because it’s just too time consuming and time, along with the quality on how you spend it, is a precious thing to value.

So that’s what your girl has been up to and why I’ve been missing in action.  My apologies about the long post, but I wanted to play catch-up and didn’t realize it was April that I last wrote (shame on me).  So with this month being my birthday (and mom’s passing)  I plan to focus on doing ME and getting back to my normalcy.  I have many homes to showcase along with other thoughts I’d like to share with you.  So stay tuned…..Until the next time….

A nice little note in my fortune cookie…


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