I get excited when I find another blogger who I just love what they do. Are you that way too? That’s why I decided to do Friday Features on the blog once or twice a month. I’m not one to constantly change decor, but I love when I see what others do, so I live vicariously watching their site. My first feature is with Nicole over at DesignItVintage. Nicole, like me, love vintage items and seeing them restored or refinished. What caught my eye on her site was her foyer makeover. My mouth dropped when I saw and read what she did . She took her foyer from this;
To this! She started with paint and a stencil and the rest is history. I absolutely give her a round of applause
She did this with gold paint and a large stencil..remarkable.. I give major props to her on creating this stunning grand foyer.
Gorgeous isn’t it… Nicole has so many other projects that are equally beautiful.. Hop over to her blog, sit back and enjoy the ooo and ahhh moments like I did… Tell her Jamala sent you
Have a great weekend and remember – Go ahead, decorate and Get Inspired!