Pattern Cut

I really appreciate you following along with me on this slow process.  After cleaning the excess cotton attached to the fabric, it was time to lay the fabric and cut the pattern.  That was easy enough for me.. (given I still have a problem cutting a straight line).   I had plans to start the year totally organized making plans, setting goals.. but the truth is.. I can’t devote every Friday to this project, so I pushed it back to every other.  But.. good news is ..  she assured me we should be finished with the chair in about 3 more classes..( I was like WOW!!)..



You’re getting a glimpse of the fabric.. (I hope you like it… )

I left there with a bit  more enthusiasm and with another baby step toward an accomplishment.  Linda is an excellent teacher… her patience and understanding is really terrific.  She even handed me my first upholstery book, the staple gun she started with, staples, and guide sheet..

I’ve got studying to do.. and this is about to get real interesting (to me)… For now… Tah-tah!