Hello, hello, hello.. I’m not sure if I should be feeling excited or miserable. I’ve got mixed feelings… I guess you’re wondering why?? Well, by the time you read this.. I just reached my 50th Plateau!

uggghhhh.. mind you I’m always happy and very thankful to see another birthday, but good-gosh do they have to come so quickly ??? Yikes 🙁 where did the time go… But Ok… enough of the pity-party – Yes- I’m happy- It’s my birthday and guess what?? Some lucky reader will get a gift too! (I wish I could give each of you a gift) but unfortunately, only one lucky reader this time.
Now let me tell you about my birthday gift. Last year I went to the Gullah Festival in Charleston, SC. I came upon an artist name Patricia, I saw her work and adored it. Her use of vibrant colors and bold strokes caught my eye. When I actually took the time to speak with Patricia, she was one of the most pleasant ladies I’d met. Patricia and her daughter, Faridah established Sabree’sArt Gallery, and they are truly a pair of warm and friendly people. Honestly speaking, that was partly the reason I decided to buy her art. Here are some of the pieces I loved by her:

I had to come home with one… and this is the painting I chose.. (although it didn’t technically come home with me that day..Thankfully, she had a payment plan and I jumped on it..) 🙂 
This painting is called “Version of Self” and I’m the proud owner of the original painting :-). This was my 50th Birthday gift from me to me. 🙂 . One splurge per decade I think is allowable (right??)
“A Version of Self”- Thy self has chosen to experience all versions. May she be a conscious witness of herself, who is highlighted amongst this reality. Life’s own music elevated her here. May she collect the notes of her own album. Her previous foot steps recommends her return. To have thought to see just how the water glistens like pearls… To have guessed that the waves awaken by thy presence… To have misunderstood the palms’ distractions made it clear to see all of self’s relation to the source.
After reading that…I felt that was perfect for me.
And this my dear friends is the gift to the lucky winner! A signed 12×18 print of “Test the Waters”

“Test the Waters” – How many times have we sat on the shoreline watching our lives drift pass us much like pebbles floating precariously across the sand? In the piece entitled, “Test the Waters,” a beautiful graceful young woman is contemplating taking a chance on following her dreams, but in the back of her mind she has fears of failure. Coming to the waters is her favorite spot due to its serenity. However, as long as she stays planted on the shoreline, she may never know how far her dreams will take her. To take a chance on living one’s dreams is a beautiful thing, yet most of us go through life day after day living our nightmares, instead of living our dreams. At the end of one’s life, the biggest risk is the one we don’t take.
And I chose this one because, I’m so glad I decided to “Test the Waters” of blogging. I decided to not just be a blog reader and wondering if anyone will read mine or follow me, but instead I took the plunge and created VivaLaVintage. It was one of the best decisions I made, and through my blog I’ve met so many wonderful people. So, I’m sharing a piece of me to you through this piece of art. So hopefully, whoever wins it, will think of me. Click over to my Facebook page to enter the contest – and Good Luck!!
Time for me to go have cake!! Yayyyy I get another Carvel Ice Cream Cake (I LOOOOOVE THOSE!!)

If you enjoyed her art, by all means, view the entire gallery here.. and let her know Jamala sent you 🙂
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