Homer Laughlin Plates



Hey everyone!!  I was wondering if you love and/or collect vintage dinnerware?  Have you ever heard of Homer Laughlin China?  If you’re a collector of vintage dinnerware then I’m sure you’re well aware of this name and pattern.  This pattern, introduced in the 1930’s, is called Marigold Golden Rose and is very RARE and hard-to-find.  They’re usually found at flea markets and estate sales, however, this was a set that I’ve had in my possession for quite some time.  Initially, I was attracted to the 22kt gold design and bought the 4 plates because they were literally dirt cheap.. (like $0.50 ea).  After getting them, I realized, they’re really not my taste per se, so I rarely (like never) used them.  I’ve had them out at yard sales trying to sell the set for like $5.00 (minor profit) but as you see – I still have them.  Honestly speaking, it’s not killing me to have them, I mean they are pretty and the scalloped edge gives them somewhat of a unique design, so since I have them, I decided to use them for a Fall tablescape.  The warm creamy ivory tone of the porcelain blended with the gold gives a nice inviting look.

If you’re not familiar with Homer Laughlin China, here’s a little history about the company.  It was a surprise to see that as of 2015 the company continues to manufacture all of its products in the United States.  Having dishes in your cabinet other than those marked “made in china” adds a bit of history to your dinnerware.  As I was posting this, I decided to take a look to see what they’re selling for these days.. and I was quite surprised – after searching several sites- saw there aren’t many pieces of this pattern available for sale.  In fact, I only found one dealer selling a complete set.  I don’t do much seasonal decorating, (more like barely ever), but I just thought I’d change the dinnerware, add a few pumpkins and feathers for a bit of a change.  I kept the ginger jars and faux hydrangeas because I really like them on the table.   I’m a leopard lover, and used my leopard napkins to add more of a textured look and to modernize the plates.  Here’s my simple styled Fall table for the incoming season.

The avocado green Noritake Perspective glassware were Goodwill finds for $4.50 (glad I decided to get them).  (A side note vent:  I saw Home Goods had replicas of these glasses, but made in plastic and of course stamped “made in china”…. that burns me up… Having replicas only diminishes the value of the real version not to mention the quality is awful – if you desire to have vintage glassware, check out the estate sales or click here.)  I kept the jeweled napkin rings on the table for more color.

Since I only had 4 Laughlin plates I used a pair of gold rimmed plates for the head chairs.  These were Goodwill finds as well for $1.00

I added some feather quills which were already around the house to the vase of faux hydrangeas

Placed just a few green and gold pumpkins on the tale for more warmth.   I found the cute cloth pumpkin for $1.00

The green glasses with the green in the pumpkins are perfectly blended.

Well that’s all for Fall!!  I hope you liked the style I created using the “dated” vintage dishware mixed with the vintage glassware.  To be inspired by more Fall Decor, visit Marsha at MjonesStyle and Linda at The Home I Create.  These ladies have all the Fallbulous decor you need to be inspired.  Next time you’re out at yard sales or estate sales, check out the dishware to create a new look on a dime budget.  As always – Happy Hunting while you thrift your house into a home!


24 thoughts on “Homer Laughlin Plates

  1. Hi Jamala,

    I think the dishes are perfect for your fall table setting. They do not compete with the other items on the table but still fit in with the required touch of elegance.

    May I ask what metro area you live in? Your thrift store finds are great! I’m near Chicago and still searching for a good looking, affordable brass and glass side table similar to the one in your living room. There’s an upscale consignment store nearby that has a beautiful table in that style for $195.00! Even Craigs List items are pricey.

    Oh well, patience is a virtue and it’s about the thrill of the hunt, no?

    • Hi Ruth!! Thank you for reading and your compliment!! I’m in SC near the Charlotte are. I find alot of great deals in Charlotte. They have excellent thrift stores, Goodwills and a Restore Habitat. Check in your area for Restore – I found another nice one one there for $20.00. If you’re on FB check the marketplace – I’ve seen some really nice ones there as well. $195.00 is quite a steep price so I’d wait on it.. Patience is a virtue and it will happen. It’s out there so don’t give up the search.. and yes – it’s all about the thrill of the hunt.. Happy hunting my friend!

    • Hey Neti- yea I’m trying to get in the groove… (but I’m still holding on to Summer) .. You should know you’ve got a standing invite 🙂

  2. Jamala, I love your fall tablescape and I’m a sucker for vintage dishes especially Homer Laughlin dinnerware. I have several platters but no sets. These plates are darling so stop trying to get rid of them. Thank you so much for the shout out my friend.

  3. The plates are very pretty and I love the elegant gold pattern on them! If they’re hard fired they will be around for a long time. Lovely table deco perfect for fall!🍁🍂

  4. I am a huge fan of Homer Laughlin china. I think I read once that they had 1,000s of patterns. I think it has stood the test of time because it is hard fired, not soft fired like the Made in China current dishes. Look at the sparkle on that glass. Chinese glass is flat and dead-looking. This is not the fault of the Chinese people; American manufacturers put their orders in for cheap goods so that people buy them and when they break, they will buy more often. I can’t think of the term for that right this minute. Oh, planned obsolescence. I really, really dislike this current mindset. It keeps the poor and middle class down. But, back to the table: the ruby, emerald, gold and natural elements make for the perfect Autumn setting. You even put the color of the sky on your table. Your table is like a walk in the woods on a fall afternoon.

    • Hi Ginene! Exactly.. I do agree with you.. and if these designs are so good. it would make such better sense to get the real version – then you’re patronizing the local small business owners who enjoy providing the perfect items for a collector. I’m glad to hear you enjoyed this tablesetting.. just because things are old – it shouldn’t make them outdated

  5. Very simple yet elegant! Great finds and enjoyed reading about the history behind the plates. Who needs “made in. China” when there is plenty of “made in USA”

    • He Amina! Thank you… it was my pleasure to share a bit of the history.. thanks for reading and glad you liked it

  6. You set a beautiful dining table. When my Sister-in-law got married, she couldn’t decide on her china pattern. So she bought like 12 place settings all different, but she loved. It was so pretty. Love the feathers in the centerpiece of flowers. I’d throw a few peacock feathers in there. Maybe the white ones? I enjoy your blogs.

    • Thank you Barbara!! I like that idea your sister-in law did.. giving each setting it’s own personal look – very creative.. i can imagine how beautiful the settings were… variety is the spice of life! And I like the idea of having some peacock feathers too!! Good idea.. Thanks for reading and I’m so happy to hear you enjoy reading my posts.. much appreciated..

        • Hey Veronica!! I’m totally happy to hear you like these.. Yea, it was a surprise to me.. I guess they were meant to stay with me.. lol.. but I may give it one more shot at the yard sale – to try my luck again..lol But thank you for the compliment on the tablescape.

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