Thanksgiving holiday is here and often this is the time we reflect on moments of being thankful. I have to admit 2018 was another year I have many thankful moments… most of which I talked about in my Summer Recap blog post. In addition to being overjoyed about moi making a debut in the national magazine Flea Market decor, I’m also overjoyed by my wonderful family and friends who took the time to hunt down the issue (and honestly, this was their first time buying the magazine) and sent me pictures of their excitement to have it and displaying it in their homes. I was overwhelmed with the love and kind words they all gave. It was extremely heartfelt and made me realize how blessed I am to have so many who share in my joy. I started this blog on a whim, not knowing anything about what a blog is or how to create one. All I had was a dream and a desire to inspire those who may read it and just to share a bit of my world with them. For so many years, I read and collected decor magazines, studied the designs, learned the styles and dreamt of being featured in one. Low and behold, when the editor found my blog and reached out to me I had to pinch myself. The issue was released in September and I announced it on the blog and family members and friends were on the hunt to get their copy. Once they got their copy, they sent me wonderful congratulatory texts and pictures. This post is dedicated to them as a token of sincere appreciation and I want to humbly say “Thank You” from the bottom of my heart for making me feel special by following my blog, reading and simply being inspired by what I share.
Colleen enjoyed reading it while having a late morning snack. She was truly embracing the proud cousin feeling.

Image: via PhotosbyColleen
Amina says she has it on her home office desk. She finds herself reading it over again, being proud of her twin sister, (eventually it will make its way downstairs to the coffee table). I am tremendously grateful for her love and support of my blog.

Image: via Amina Lee of Pieces of Time Estate Sale Svc
My mother, what can say…, she was by far the most proudest…When I dropped off the issue for her, my brother expressed how she couldn’t wait to read it while having her breakfast. She later called me and was just so emotional.. (saying that’s MY daughter- sniff, sniff)…
My bestie girlfriend Brenda was just loving it.. her joy of laughter and excitement made me want to come through the phone and hug her!
When my son picked up his copy, he was showing his I got it!! pose saying “I’m proud of my Mom”

Image: Amir of Brick Cottage Project
He keeps his copy laid open in his dining room.. When his friends come by they see it and are like “Oh junk – that’s your mom – she’s a celebrity!
My cousin Stefanie’s little pooch enjoyed looking at it while she busied herself around the house (heeheee – how cute is this)

Image: via StephanieThomas
But then later on she graced her bedside table with it for some nightly reading and inspiration. I’m loving her night table vignette.

Image via Stephanie Thomas
When Doris found the magazine while shopping, she texted me with such excitement and expressed how she showed others and bragged about me helping to decorate her home. Sometimes you need voices of encouragement around you and Doris is truly one of those voices who keeps encouraging me to step out there in the interior decorating world. Thank you Doris for being that voice.
Shelly had just gotten in and was going to lay back and relax with a joyful read knowing one of blog buddies is being featured.

Image via ConfettiStyle
Linda, so lovingly, has it placed on her coffee table for all her guests to see. She wears her proud aunt cape and says my niece is in there. Thank you Linda for including it in your video

Image via LindaGLoving Home
Marsha, another blog buddy sweetheart, featured the magazine in her lovely Fall home decor. She created the most warm and welcoming coffee table style and was completely excited for me.

Image via
and standing in line at the local Rite-Aid, I was telling the cashier about it and she was so amazed and happy, she told her manager and they bought the last two copies and wanted my autograph (how about that for a “feeling good” moment. They really put a big smile on my face.
My “bestie” running mate/big sis Jan couldn’t stop smiling as she read the magazine. As she says in her words “my little Kimmie” has made me so proud! Awwwwww…
I was totally happy when I read this comment on my blog post from Ruth ( a new reader) – what a wonderful surprise. I enjoy getting new readers/subscribers
and Ruth shared her issue with me as well…Thank you Ruth
And then was surprised again with another new reader, Mary Jo.. She loved the family heirloom blog post because it touched “home” for her. I look forward to sharing a picture of her father’s yardstick in my next heirloom post
Then I got another text from my friend Saundra who shared her copy with another friend who texted her saying “I like Jamala Wallace’s DIY “Fab & Fugal article in Oct/Nov 2018 FLEA MARKET DECOR Mag. “I don’t like anything ‘MATCHY MATCHY.'” … Neither do I. Make it do what it do. Smile. Good Job Jamala. I am inspired. Non-matching pillows & 1970’s acrylic chairs works for my girl cave, “The Pink Room.” … Jan Cheema, Apartment in East Orange, NJ
From my husband taking it to his shop and all the guys looking at it sending me congratulatory texts, to my brothers sharing their copy and a host of Facebook and Instagram comments – everyone was so happy for me. Yes, I had two joyful months of fame and for that I’m truly thankful. I hope you all enjoy your Thanksgiving with your family and friends and reflect on the many blessings you have and are thankful for.
Thank YOU – for reading and I wish you all Peace and blessings this Thanksgiving holiday.
Congratulations, Jamala!
Thanks Elle!!!
Congratulations again my friend. I was so excited to share your joy with my friends.
Marsha I sincerely appreciate your love support and encouragement. Thank you soooo much
So very proud of you! Lessing’s upon blessings for you and yours!
Hey Nancy!… thank you so much..I appreciate you hanging in here with me and my blog.. hugs to you…
Happy Thanksgiving to you Jamala! So proud of you and all you have accomplished so far this year. So thankful for you and alsways being an inspiration
Continue to enjoy your Fame my dear, you earned it. Happy Thanksgiving!
G.M. Happy Thanksgiving. Having morning coffee and reading this just makes me so proud. You are as cute as a button and pretty as a gem! Your loving spirit for family and friends is very admired. Continue to inspire and soar my dear sweet Kim. Much Love!!!
Hi Linda, happy Thanksgiving to you
Hi there Veronica!!! Bless you Thank you so much. Hope yours was as happy and loving as you deserve. I’m sure it was. Thanks again My Dear. Much Love.
Happy Thanksgiving! Congratulations, I absolutely love reading your blog and I wish I had picked up a copy of the magazine! Nonetheless, I’m sure you’ll be featured in more publications and I’ll show my support! I’m so proud of you! Keep going!