There’s no magic wand to wave or potion to drink to help ease the heartfelt pain of losing a love one, but dealing with the fact of losing my mother has my life feeling like I’m in a haze. Ever … Continue reading
There’s no magic wand to wave or potion to drink to help ease the heartfelt pain of losing a love one, but dealing with the fact of losing my mother has my life feeling like I’m in a haze. Ever … Continue reading
As I’m winding down from 2016 and getting ready for a new year, I thought I’d get a jump start on the table setting for a New Year’s day brunch. Last year I did a New Year’s Eve get-together and … Continue reading
Hey Everyone!!! Once again, I’m wishing you a happy, healthy and wonderful New Year! Thanks a million for following along in 2015 and I look forward to what 2016 has in-store for us to share with one another. For my first post of the new year, I’d like to talk about being eclectic and venturing outside the norm. So many times, we are stuck in the mindset, “things HAVE To MATCH”. Well it may be true for 90% of our lives, but when it comes to table settings, I think we can break the rule- well at least I’m going to break it.. and I’ll show you how.
Many times, I’ve gone to estate sales, thrift stores, garage sales and would see a plate, saucer, or cup and love the pattern but often times, it’s not a complete set. So, I decided to mix it up! I found different patterns that tend to blend and decided to create my own eclectic setting. I started with these nicely patterned placemats I stumbled across at Walmart. I’m glad I ventured to that isle and found them.
Not bad right? At $1.99 each and having the perfect metallic gold finish, I figured they would pull the look together. Modern placemats mixed with thrift score dishes would create a beautiful table setting. Next I added gold crackled charger plates, which were $3.00 for the set of six at Goodwill. Then, I layered the plates and here is the finished look.
I love soft floral pattern dishes and by using pastel blends of similar looks I was able to mix pieces for a cohesive style. The dinner plates were about $1.50 ea, the bread plates were between $0.50-$0.75 ea, the brass napkin rings were found at Goodwill for $0.59 each and never used. The white linen napkins belonged to my grandmother.
Also featured in my setting are limoges bone dishes, which are rare items to find and they blend with the floral patterns. Limoges is a delicate fine bone china made in Limoges, France and began being manufactured in the late 18th century. You can read more about its history here. At the turn of the century, bone dishes were used to hold discarded chicken or fish bones, because it was considered improper to allow bones to remain on your main plate as it appeared to be an unsightly mess (the Victorians were very neat), henceforth, the use of the bone dish.
I also found the crystal (dumbbell shape) knife rests years ago and purchased them from an antique shop. Knife rests are rarely used these days, but they are very handy when eating. They offer a more convenient place to rest your knife while not in use, instead of leaning it on your plate. Lastly, the gold flatware was a wedding gift. Hard to believe I’ve had them almost 30 years.
As you see, you can create a pretty, delicately balanced table setting using thrift store and estate sale finds by mixing patterns.
The cute little place card is made of porcelain and I found the set at an antique shop about 20 years ago, when I was hosting tea parties.
This is the complete set – Isn’t it the cutest.. Just use a sharpie to mark on them and wipe off with water..
I finished the look with depression glassware I inherited from my grandmother. She had a complete service for twelve with water goblets and wine glasses, plus six smaller glasses (which I used for the children), along with the pitcher, salt & pepper shakers and two serving dishes. It’s really a nice set, so I consider myself blessed to have it.
You see how mixing patterns, styles and eras could blend together to make a beautiful setting? Not only does it look pretty, but it also adds a bit more interest. Have you ever mixed patterns to create a table design? If not, would you? If so please share – I’d love to see it.
I hope this has sparked an interest and the next time you see a pretty plate, get it and build on it to create your own blend of tableware.
I hope you enjoyed my Mix It Up tableware? If so, let me know…. As always, remember, beauty doesn’t have to be costly. Thanks for reading and until next time.. Smooches!
I know you’re probably wondering what’s up with that title…right? Well, this is why I gave it such a title. Lately I’ve really been eyeing vintage ashtrays. I’m not a smoker, never have been, but looking at these cutey pies would make me feel classy if I did. Vintage ashtrays are truly works of pottery art and were/are used as home decor items. When manufacturers began making them they were originally made for a purpose but seeing them, I just can’t imagine dumping ashes inside these beauties.
The colors are just so vibrant and strong. Each of these are crafted to perfection, and all are American made pottery. I see the Autumn colors like Orange, Brown, Green were very strongly used, although many come in a different array of colors.
Then the designed was stepped up a notch by creating the hanging ashtray.. This one is gorgeous!
Look at the marbling that was created for this snail-shape ashtray
These are so darling because they have their own cigarette compartment
These leaf patterns are absolutely stunning..
Then you have the standing ashtrays.. Those are in itself chic furniture pieces
Ok, so do you feel me on this.. These are just too gosh darn cute to use for ashes. I could clearly see using these as decorative pieces, perhaps candy dishes, jewelry trays or key catchers. You can also use them on a bar cart to catch bottle caps and corks. One thing for sure is they’re definitely not good for ashes. To read more about vintage ashtrays and designers visit The Big Ashtray Museum and also follow my “For Smokes” Pinterest board to see more of my favorites. I hope you enjoyed my picks and perhaps you’ll be adding these swanky pieces to your home decor. For now.. Tah-tah. Smooches!
Hello there! I hope you all enjoyed Thanksgiving and spending time with your loved ones. My frenzy 4-day whirlwind came and went so fast and as much moving around I did- I had hoped I lost the 5 pounds I gained from the turkey day dinner- again – there goes that wishful thinking ….. l0l. I really miss my weekly posts and connecting with you guys – so now I can get back to all that fun and thank you for not forgetting me.
Friday was the official countdown and we hustled and bustled to organize, tag, hanging and straightening. The front of the boutique looks quite pretty now (especially with my beautiful niece, Nadiyah, in front). We also started the #ShopSmall campaign.
I’d like to share the grand opening and pictures of the shop. The weather was perfect for the ribbon cutting and we had quite a few people join us with smiles and excitement about the shop.
Our town mayor, Billy Hollingsworth, along with councilwoman, Cassie Fowler gave me the warmest welcome and thanked me for bringing my business to Whitmire. I’m very happy to be a member of the Economic Development Board and to be able to work with some really nice people.
After cutting the ribbon, the onlookers were welcomed in to browse, shop, and partake in light refreshments.
We had a free raffle for a chance to win this custom framed artwork by HoeMama, a South Carolina artist who mixes art and mother nature to create some beautiful paintings. You can view more of his works here.
As part of our effort in supporting local businesses and other entrepreneurs, we are carrying a line of homemade hand scrubs by ASG Handmade Designs. These are made by a young lady, Jovana Castro, whom I truly admire for her creativity. Her scrubs are absolutely wonderful and leave your hands feeling soft and smooth. Not only does she create hand scrub, but she also makes greeting cards as well, which we will carry. These nicely decorated jars are from her Pomegranate collection and they sell for $10.00ea. If you’d like to order, please contact me.
Here is a sample of her greeting cards. You can visit here to see more of her handcrafted beautiful cards.
We are pleased to be selling her products in Pieces of Time and wish her much success with her line of creations.
All in all, it was a fantastic day and I even was interviewed by our county newspaper (how exciting that was!) Here are a few pictures of items around the shop, some of which sold that day (yipppeeee) – I’m glad I caught these pictures..
Of course I’ll be moving things around, adding pieces, putting more items around, but that’s the fun part – re-redecorating.. 🙂
In all the excitement, I’m so glad we were able to snag a photo us..(I just love this her)
As we closed for the day, we reflected back and was pleased with the outcome
Then to my surprise on Monday, looky here!! We made the front page of the paper!!
That put another smile on my face.. 🙂 You can read the article here. I’m thanking you again for all your well wishes and encouragement and I look forward to sharing more moments in Pieces of Time with you.
Now, I can finally get busy on another makeover… I have a table in mind that needs a new look.. wish me luck on this project, and of course.. you’ll be the first to see. Take care everyone.. and I’ll see you soon. Peace and blessings to you.. Smooches!!