There’s no doubt that Spring has sprung, and I’ve been viewing several blog hops to get me motivated to make a few changes around the house, however, due to some life circumstances I haven’t had the opportunity to do much … Continue reading
There’s no doubt that Spring has sprung, and I’ve been viewing several blog hops to get me motivated to make a few changes around the house, however, due to some life circumstances I haven’t had the opportunity to do much … Continue reading
As the old saying goes, “the quiet before the storm” meaning all is quiet before the storm hits. Well, for this post, I’m flipping that quote because of my sister’s office makeover. It was literally the storm before the quiet. … Continue reading
Hey Guys!! I know it’s late, but I meant to post it earlier (but a squig of Nyquil knocked me out last night and I’ve been busy since coming home).. but moving along.. Things had been a bit quiet around … Continue reading
LET’S GO THRIFTING by Jamala Kim Wallace Writing for a magazine was an unspoken dream I use to have while flickering the countless pages of Southern Living, Essence Magazine, Country Living and a host of others. Realizing the opportunity of … Continue reading