Hey Lovies… It has been a looooong time since I’ve posted a $2.00 Tuesday. I haven’t had much luck finding anything worth posting about. But low and behold…I found something. Now bare with me on this, it’s not a DIY or a makeover, but simply a great find that I was very happy about. If you’re like me.. you get a hold of some comfy slippers and you dog them till they’re falling apart.. Well I’ve had that pair.. I kept saying.. Kim..get rid of them and get a new pair.. They weren’t special slippers, but I just wore them in so well and simply didn’t let go.
I know, I know.. pretty bad… give them up right.. LOL!! (please don’t think bad of me)…
Then, I went looking for slippers and was sticker shocked.. Like Charlie Brown says…”Good grief ” – look here.. The price had gone up.. so.. back to my trusty comfy I went..
This past weekend, there was a yard sale in town and I ventured in to see what I’d find.. and guess what!!
Yes.. Slippers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yayyyyyyyy!!! Not just one pair.. but 2 pairs..double Yayyyyyyyy!! See the price..so that’s $1.00 x 2 =$2.00..LOL… I couldn’t ask for better luck.. Two pairs of never-used vintage embroidered slippers.
And —– MY SIZE!!!!!
I couldn’t wait to get them home and try them on…..
Ahhhhh…… perfect fit
I’m totally satisfied!! – and the old pair..is finally put out of their misery… LOL.. may they R.I.P..
Slippers to me are like an old pantyhouse LOL. Seriously. They go bad so damn fast. I love the new slippers and I love the price girl.
Kay of Pure & Complex
OMG!!! …I have been looking for slippers for the past week. My thoughts exactly. These are too cute! Fits you perfectly.
Seriously Kim, you must have this supernatural power to make things miraculous fall into your hands! “Think, speak and it shall be given”… :-). What can I say maybe some will rub off on me.
Lol.. I’d like to use those powers for the freaking lottery numbers! But yea, I totally happy to strike again with a good find..
I’m sick I got new one after Christmas(isotoner) for $14.95. Oh well you have the eye for deals. they are pretty……. hey remember we wear the same size..LOl
Hey Sylvia! lol,. I got your hint..next time if there’s 3. You got one coming to you..
They are cute, Kim! And if they become favorites, you’ll know you have a back-up pair.
Hey Ginene, they’ve become the favorites. So yes I think I’m covered until the the summer at least..if. It longer..(you know how I like to ride them to the wheels fall off). Chuckles
Really cute!
Thanks Linda!,