Panic Mode

When life throws a curve, sometimes you can dodge it, sometimes you jump over it and sometimes you put on your cape and fly to the rescue.  This is a story of complete panic and damage control that I’m sharing today.   By now you know how much I’ve enjoyed decorating the Brick Cottage Project and sharing all the wonderful finds to make my son’s house a happy home.  

As I stated in my previous post, I had that room completely checked off the list as done&done.   The mirror is super duper heavy and for some reason, I kept thinking… “I hope it don’t fall, I hope it don’t fall”.  Silly me went to bed with that thought on my mind (good grief).   The next day he called me  ** sidenote** why is it that moms know something is wrong just by the way they say “hey ma” – and said in a very slow and hesitant tone… sooooo….. uhhhhhh… like ummmm….  the glass on the dining table broke.   Here comes the WHAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!   ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!  PLEASE SAY YOU’RE JOKING… !!!   Apparently in the midst of straightening his rug, he removed the table top and propped it against the wall.. not realizing by it being oval the table would tilt and CRASH GOES THE GLASS – shattered into pieces.  Of course I broke out the “what on earth” and the “why would you” rhetoric and of course he apologized and didn’t mean to break it.. ugggghhh… Instantly I became feverish with the mind racing on how in the hell am I going to find that again.  After our 5-minute fuss which resulted in him saying “I’ll replace it” I knew otherwise.. this ain’t happening no time soon.  I normally don’t get too emotional over material things, because I know they can be replaced, but this one took me for a quick loop.  I had to regress and work through the sadness of losing the table.  I have to admit – that was one piece I truly did love.  The deep smoke glass, the mid-century pedestal base – really had me hooked.  

Guys, I was littttt-terally sick.. My mind was racing trying to figure how in the world am I going to find another…. especially at the price I got that one for – I found that for $150.00 and was screaming happy when I stumbled upon it.  That was like finding a needle in haystack -once in a million find.  Okay so enough of crying over it.. damage control must step in .. So I began searching for more via the internet.. and every single one I found was between $750 -$4500

This ordeal of the glass breaking was really getting to me and I felt determined to find something as nice.. but I couldn’t find anything..(within a decent price range).  I started looking for other glass top tables but nothing matched the chairs, so therefore, we’d have to go with a whole new set.  Again, I usually don’t let this stuff bother me, because I find stuff… but I realllllllly liked this for him.  I was up late nights looking on Craigslist, Estate Sales happenings, and FB Marketplace.  I was texting Amir all the time… I’m going to share just some of the texts.. (because it was that serious)

The bubble burst again because after I got the quote, came this series of messages..

This was the table I was referring to.. It popped up on the FB Marketplace and I thought it would be a great look-alike. 

He wasn’t feeling it because it wasn’t quite the same shape, size and tint. But i was determined to find a glass.  It was getting pretty tense between mom and son.. (as I’m sure you’ve had a few intense moments with your children).  He was the patient one, I, on the other hand was not.. because I had been aggressively looking and wasn’t finding anything.  So, that Saturday morning, me and my PIC (partner in crime) went driving off to get this table.  Yes, we marked it SOLD.. it was truly the next best thing.  Since we didn’t need the table base, she knocked off another $30.00 and she kept it.  

It’s not identical but it’ll be the fraternal twin to the table.  I got it home and Amir was glad this ordeal was over.  We got it on it’s base and he began to clean it up.  

Yea, its a bit longer and narrower and the glass isn’t as smoked as the other but it looks just fine.

We’re both glad this ordeal is over and even though it’s not the exact, but having the fraternal twin to the original is just as good.   The FB marketplace was really a great resource in finding this and I’m happy to see how social media can make shopping for items somewhat less stressful.  My son was right about being patient.. and I’m glad patience paid off.  

I know he’ll probably give me the frowny face for revealing this story.. but I just wanted to share how searching for items can be convenient and how FB marketplace saved the day.  So, if you’re ever looking for something, check there.. You’ll find several people selling items they no longer want.  Until next time – Happy Hunting – while you thrift your house into a home!










16 thoughts on “Panic Mode

  1. Pingback: Easy Going/What I’ve Been Up to | VivaLaVintage - For Your Home

  2. Hi Jamala, my friend! You know a reader can’t see the room from all angles and from other rooms, but doesn’t that glass look even better? We never want to lose a part of a valuable set, but as I’m looking at it, I keep thinking that shape is better. I think it definitely says dining room more than the circle top. I really like it.

  3. I understand that feeling and the hunt! This was a great story and I’m happy you found one so close to the original. The overall look of the decor is just beautiful and so vintage chic to me, very magazine worthy. I mean this in a good way, you’re a hound at thrifting which is what I am to. We will find that perfect piece 😄!! Happy thrifting

    • Lol!! Girl I was a fanatic . on a mission. and constantly praying to the thrift gods (lol)… thank you so much for reading my plight and understanding the crisis..I truly appreciate your moral support..

    • Lol… thank you Neti!! He really had me on a whirlwind..and indeed mothering is an ongoing never ending experience that we wouldn’t trade for the world

  4. Oh wow, that was a hard loss to swallow. But God is good and you found a replacement, which is as nice as the broken piece.

  5. Guuurrrrrrllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!! Been there! Oh, my goodness! I can only imagine how his heart jumped into his throat and your sank to your stomach! When you find THE right thing and then something so random happens…it just messes with you in all kinds of ways! While it may not be the original, I still very much like the replacement piece. It’s very sleek. I suppose if y’all wanted to, you could get it more deeply tinted at a car place that does that kinda stuff? Lessons were learned. You’re both moving on from this unfortunate incident. Got that, mamacita? Moving on!!!!!!😉 (Easy for me to say!) Have a happy and blessed Easter!!!!!!🐣🐇

    • Hey there Alycia!! Girlfriend.. it was a trying time.. everytime I went over there it broke my heart to see the base sitting there naked… uggghhh….tearful moment… but yes.. mother and son are all good again.. … thanks for reading and I hope all is well with you.. enjoy your Easter as well

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