Hey there! In my previous post I mentioned I’d show you around a bit in my garden. I’m still at getting it cleaned up a bit, but my gosh, the weeds – shucks they grow faster than the plants.. uggghh… … Continue reading
Hey there! In my previous post I mentioned I’d show you around a bit in my garden. I’m still at getting it cleaned up a bit, but my gosh, the weeds – shucks they grow faster than the plants.. uggghh… … Continue reading
Hey Everyone!! It’s Spring and I finally decided to get a jumpstart on the outdoor space before it gets too hot. I’m usually guilty of waiting till the last minute and then can’t get too much done because it’s … Continue reading
Hey everyone… I often get asked how’s southern living been for me, so just a bit of break from the norm, I decided to talk about it a bit. Not to overwhelm (or bore) you, I’ll make this a three … Continue reading