Progress Made

In the midst of clearing papers, I came across some old photos of my yard.  Boy have I made some serious progress over the years. When we first moved into the house I really knew nothing about gardening.  I was a city girl and loved looking at beautiful landscapes but while living in Jersey, I didn’t do any yard work.  When we moved to S.C.  the yard had a clean slate and I figure I’d let my imagination take over.  I have to admit – I’d forgotten how dull and lifeless the yard was, but after looking back at all the hard work put into it, these pictures made me realize how much progress I really made over the years.   Perusing countless garden magazines proved to be worthwhile in helping to inspire me.  Just thought I’d share my progress made with you…   (try not to laugh at the before too much).  My husband preferred it that way because it was easy to cut the grass (mind you he hated moving what little objects there were..)












By gradually taking each section at a time progress was made.. so you know alot of gardening therapy took place out here.  The back breaking agony I went through was all worth it.   The best part about the beds is they’re 80% perennials.  Yes,  I learned real quick over the years to get garden smart.  🙂   So much progress was made and yet – more to still make.  Thankfully I have you to follow along with me to share the journey.   TTYL,

Air Plants in the House

I stopped over at the nursery to see what they have and saw the air plants.  There were so many to choose from.

Well needless to say I came home with 5..  I love those little buggers especially since they require no dirt.   They’re very easy to care for.  All you basically need to do is dip them in water or spray them.   To learn more about their care you can click here.  You can be so creative with including them in your decor.   This is how I used them.   

Here I used a couple of the sand dollars that were in the Seashell Jackpot.   Using a dab of hot glue to hold in place I created a “sandwich” for the plant to display with the seashell vignette.

This one sits nice and cozy inside the swan cork dish

The sea rock had holes and this one sits neatly inside.. I dabbled a bit of hot glue to keep it in place

This one fits perfectly inside the bottle neck of this vintage vase

The seashell nestles this one

Do you like them?  Have you grown air plants?  If so, share them with me..

Green Thumb Gene

It’s been such a pleasue sharing my garden pictures and stories with you, not to mention, sharing a neighbor’s yard in one of my posts, as well.  This post is my dedication to a few other gardens I admire.   I’m starting to believe that gardening is in my genes.  I remember my grandmothers having beautiful plants and often wondered “how” come her plants always look healthy. My aunts have green thumbs and are so creative in their gardens.  In this post I’d like to pay tribute to “The Green Thumb Gene” that flows in my blood.

This garden belongs my aunt “Pookie”.  I’ve always admired her yard and house plants.  Come take this tour with me threw her lovely garden oasis that’s filled with bunches of eye candy.

As you enter, you are greeted with the bird bath and her creative use for the vintage step ladder.

          The frog holding the flower arrangement is another little cutey   that sits nearby.  The mailman won’t deliver to this mailbox planter that’s neatly tucked in a flower bed.     

Mr. Bunny is on stand-by looking to watch..      Traveling around the path  brings you to another creative rocky sight ,  The hungry Aligator was made from an assortment of rocks she found.      And lastly, as you go further across the yard,    you’ll see the best creative idea…The Outdoor Fireplace planter.  Taking advantage of the old saying “One man’s junk”… she saved this from heading to the dumpster.. another great find.  Here she has it in the garden.

Now how creative was that????  I say, it’s two thumbs up for Pookie’s Paradise Garden…


Next up is my aunt “Bernie’s” yard.  Her yard, though small, packs a big punch of excitement.  The first burst of garden glory your eyes will see once  upon entering her sanctuary, is this life-size mural she drew on the garage wall.  With a love for sunflowers, her vision came from basking in the joy of having a field sunflowers.  The bed of hostas that bloomed underneath are so large and healthy, they just add to the mural giving it a 3D effect.

As you proceed into her yard, you hear the enchanting,

trickling sound of her wonderful fountain

Which leads to another of her creations… She became inspired by this mural with a vision of how her grandfather was in his garden

I just love how the Black-eyed Susans are surrounding the mural, making it appear that Granddad is actually sowing his garden.  So here you have it, after seeing the creativity flowing in these two ladies, I can’t help but believe – it’s in the genes,  I hope you enjoyed the journey through two of my favorite gardens.  I’ll be posting a few more “Garden Delites” before the beauty of summer ends

The Chill Out Spot Addition

Just when I thought my little Chill Out – Garden spot was complete, ..  It was a rainy day and it had been a while since I visited this little consignment shop near my job, so I figure I’d give them a visit.  And came across these two carts…


The thought of having a Bar Cart to accommodate long days of sitting in the garden sanctuary would really be nice.  They were both really cute but I had to decide which one I like the best.. The vintage cart came home with me at a steal of a deal for $38.00   (and to think I was happy because the sticker said $45.00) but the dealer said he’ll take $38.00 ( WOW! even better)

Along the way out the door, my eyes caught another little addition (why couldn’t I just stop looking- and keep going).. but this little sign came home too… for $5.00… oh well.. it was a perfect addition for the Chill Out Spot..   Don’t you think so too???  🙂   I’m so glad I took the seat cushions from this to look like they do here..


The first time use of the bar cart was Wine & Watermelon..mmmmm….and the rest was haven (or shall I say heaven)


Oh,  the little candle holders were given a new look too..  the black was a tad bit dull so I painted them.. I may change the color again.. (maybe yellow…not sure..gotta see if the turquois suits me..)

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One more change took place.  Had to change the netting because a few feathered friends enjoyed picking at it..  so it went from this:


To this…  Luckily I bought a replacement net last year when JC Penny had a season-end clearance on the nets.. $20.00 – as a just in case. My husband couldn’t understand why get one .. now he does.. (cause you never know)…

Even though it’s not beige, it does just fine..  Now back to my watermelon and wine.. .. Tah-Tah.. until next time…. Ahhhhhh…..

A Lazy Sunday

I had all my plans made for today.  I was supposed to spend the day prepping for a big yard sale, but the weather was so beautiful and just couldn’t muster up the desire to do that.  I received an email from my neighbor about a sale at Big Lots store and was excited when I saw the garden torches they had on sale.  The table top ones were $5.00 and the ground stakes were $7.00.

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Hmmmm… I think I’ll just take a quick ride there to see if I could snag me a few..  But before I left, I decided this is not going to be a day to spend in the kitchen cooking a big dinner.  I wanted something simple and quick to put on the grill, so,  I decided to make my Grilled Corona Wings.  The recipe is simple and quick and they taste great, so, I’d like to share the recipe with you (just in case you have a lazy day and need a quick recipe).  I used one family pack of chicken wings and two bottles of Corona.  First I seasoned the wings with onion salt and a Garlic & Herb seasoning.  Then, I poured the Corona over the wings and let them marinate in the refrigerator while I go on my little shopping spree.

Came home and had enough time to lounge in the pool for a while, then it was time to grill the chicken.


While chicken was grilling, it was time to make the salad.  I used Romaine Lettuce, sliced pear, cucumber, scallions, glazed walnuts and cranberries,  sprinkled with crisp turkey bacon and grated Parmesan cheese.  This was delicious refreshing salad to accompany the wings for light summer dinner.


Wings all done and salad all made

DSCF1472 DSCF1475 Now it was time for dinner and the rest of the evening was spent relaxing in the “Chill Out Spot”  with my new torches   :-)..  Those little torches really did help keep the bugs away..  So, there you have Lazy Day…   not bad at all.. huh?   I really try hard not to feel guilty..      Ciao!

I’m interested in knowing how was your lazy day spent?