It was time for me to address the design dilemma I’ve had since we’ve become empty-nesters, and that was.. What am I going to do with the boys’ room… For the life of me – it’s been years and every … Continue reading
It was time for me to address the design dilemma I’ve had since we’ve become empty-nesters, and that was.. What am I going to do with the boys’ room… For the life of me – it’s been years and every … Continue reading
Happy Friday everyone – I have to say I’ve been feeling a little bluesy – not the emotional kind bluesy – but the music tunes bluesy. I thought I’d share one of my favorite tunes with you in this post. Koko Taylor, who is the Queen of the Blues sings this song which reflects how I felt at the time I found this week’s fab find. They call me the “Hunter” ! cause I’m always on the hunt for some fab finds, thrifty deals and terrific scores. But before I show you, I would like to share some terrific news! I won’t be doing too much blogging in the next coming weeks (please don’t get too excited about that part -hahaha) buuuuuttt.. guess what??? I’m opening a shop – Yayyyyy !!!! Yes, finally YourVintage Girl is back in business. We (meaning me, my sister Amina and our dear friend/ business partner Renee ) have decided to open the second location of Pieces of Time Antiques. We have a space in new Jersey – and now one in South Carolina. So I’ll be busy setting up shop, but I’ll touch base with you from time to time – so please – don’t forget about me.. 🙂
Ok..let’s move on to my Hunted Item – I’ve haven’t been getting too lucky lately but just when I was ready to give up shopping at this particular Goodwill, my woman’s intuition decided to give it one more try. I popped in there, walked straight to the back and look what I found sitting on top of a table – all by it’s lonesome self – waiting for me to strike – the catch that I was after….
O00ooo weeee… ain’t He sweet!!! A Franco Albini pouff ottoman… Talk about a Teeeeerific Score!! Remember I already had one that I posted about here. The price was even of a shocker — $9.75 Can you say WHAT!!!! SHUT THE EFEN DOOR!!!! – cause that’s exactly what I said… naturally I gave it a quick inspection. The only thing wrong was this little paint splash – which will be removed.
Ain’t no need to hide – ain’t no need to run – cause I’ve got you in the sight of my — Luuuv gun 😉
I love these ottomans and so does my twin. She’s been wanting one. .. so now I have one and she has one !! Just in time for our birthday – so pre-Happy Birthday Amina!! It’s Yours!!
So… I guess I’ll dub myself the “Hunter” – thanks to Koko and her bluesy song. I hope you all have a good-feeling bluesy weekend! Smooches!
I’m running a bit behind on a few posts, but, remember a few weeks back I had the house powerwashed? I want to show you the before picture of my side porch.
I know.. YUCKKKKK!!! See the big discoloration and dirty gray???
This is after the powerwash… This is a big difference.. I still need to paint the steps… but that’s another project.. at least the porch looks cleaner and brighter.
I’m glad we had that done.. At least now I can continue to spruce up the side porch. Remember the vintage rattan chair I picked up for $10.00 last year..( I know..I waited longer than I wanted to change that hideous fabric), this chair was a steal! The average price of these suckers are about $199.99 (see here)I love the shape and look of it.
Since the porch is all clean, it’s time I update her look. The cushion was recovered with an inexpensive outdoor fabric ($6.00). A trip to Goodwill paid off because I snagged two pillows for $2.00 ea. Washed the dust off and this is the new corner area for my side porch.
The Franco Albini rattan ottoman (circa 1950 was gifted to me) is the perfect match for this chair.
After digging deep it the basket barrels at Goodwill, I couldn’t believe I found these – in perfect condition- and they match!
Scrap fabric from the cushions here was used to make the ties for the seat cover
The corner now has a modern, yet, vintage charm – and I love it 🙂
This week – I hope to choose the right color to paint the swing and this side porch will be completed. Yayyyyy!!!