Tag Archives: Online magazine
Life Style Magazine
Hey everyone!! I’m so pleased to be back with a new issue of “Let’s Go Thrifting” magazine. If you’re new to the blog, Welcome!! And by all means click here to view previous issues. This is an exciting new issue because I had the desire to showcase a few designers who created stylish spaces to inspire you. Every time I publish an issue of the magazine, I feel more and more accomplished in my goal. I’m truly amazed at the wonderful responses I get, and when I reach out to a decorator, designer, blogger, or stylist to feature them, not only are they willing, but they are happy and excited. Sometimes the word “team” is used when speaking of people who are in your support circle, but I’ll go a step further, because I have better…. I have a village who believes in my dream and goals and love being a part of it. As humble as my publication is – they enjoy and appreciate that I’ve asked them to be a part of it. Many understand and value the purpose of my concept to create it and it’s truly is a rewarding experience to be able to feature another issue. This is what pushes me to continue to create each new issue. Baby steps will turn into adult steps and then leaps and bounds (fingers crossed)! I have set my goals for “Let’s Go Thrifting” and with the help of “my village team” I have the confidence that I’ll meet them. I hope you enjoy reading and I’m sure you’ll become inspired!! So everyone.. “LET’S GO THRIFTING”!!!
Let’s Go Thrifting

I have to say I can’t believe the end of 2017 has come upon us. It seems like yesterday when I published my first magazine edition. I’m so happy to be bringing you the 4th edition. I can’t thank … Continue reading
Lifestyle Magazine

Copy of LET’S GO THRIFTING 2 by Jamala Kim Wallace After the book signing event, the publicist for Benilde sent me “thank you” packet in the mail. It was a pleasure working with her on the event and I was extremely … Continue reading