Hey everyone…it’s been quite some time since we’ve spoken. Fall is dreadfully upon us (and I’m still trying to figure out where did summer go?) I love reading all the blog posts about Fall and the beauty of the colors and warm tones this season is filled with. But for me all I see is this!


Leaves!!!! and more

Leaves, leaves, leaves… too bad they can’t leave me alone.. lol… but that’s a big wishful thinking. Needless to say, I just walk past them with blinders on until the last one has fallen.. We had someone come blow them but a couple days later – it didn’t even look like he was here.. So in the meantime I get my joy looking at all the beautiful posts everyone is doing to make me appreciate the beauty of Fall. My neighbor, Cassie, who is also an online DJ hosts Soul of the Blues posted some beautiful Fall pictures to try to inspire me to get into the Fall spirit. I really enjoy listening to Cassie’s station. You can check her out here. She’s on every Thurs, Fri, Sat & Sun. So join us, she’d love it.. and she’ll give you a shout out too – just listen and log on to Facebook to let her know you’re on. Tell her Kim sent you :-).

I enjoyed seeing all the Halloween costumes people were posting.. My little munchkins looked so adorable…

Anytime you say “picture time” to Ms. Ava – the hand automatically goes on the hip – chuckles… what’s up with that???
The painting of the shop has been completed and the light fixture has been hung..

Things are moving along pretty well. I lucked up at the fabric store and found the perfect fabric to hang at the window. I’m so glad I kept my old dining room curtains.. They were perfect to hide the back area (which will be a small storage area)

Pulled out the Brothers to get the window curtains done… (how do you like the fabric? – I thought it was a perfect match for the chandy)

With so much bamboo in this area…. I used a piece of bamboo for the rod (I’m no way near a bonafide seamstress – so panels are always the easiest). I used the same fabric for the front and back because I couldn’t decide which side I wanted to face the outside..

I hope all you seamstresses out there aren’t cringing because I used a black thread (which is noticeable up top) but I kinda like it.. (forgive me) but I can take constructive criticism (tell me if it looks REALLLLLY bad).

Our small town had some excitement that took place .. I know some of you might know the show American Pickers..

Well guess what – they came to Whitmire!! Yes, we all were very happy about that.. They came picking in our town.. 🙂

Steve can be a bit of a flirt..chuckles.. but it’s all good.. We were happy they came…

Too bad my shop wasn’t open – but at least I got a picture with him standing in front of it .

The grand opening is scheduled for Nov. 29th. So wish us luck for a successful event. Oh and a big THANK YOU to American Express for sponsoring ShopSmall Saturday and sending of all the materials to make it a great event.

We’ve also been approved for Neighborhood Champions – which means Pieces of Time is listed as a Neighborhood Champion in South Carolina on their site. Yipppeeee! This is a great start.. and we’re excited.

I hope all of you are doing fantastic and since you probably won’t be hearing from me until after Thanksgiving.. I wish you all Happy Thanksgiving and may God bless you a wonderful time spent with your loved ones. Smooches and Hugs…
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