A few months ago I joined a Facebook group “It’s a Garden Thing“. I truly adore being a part of this group of friendly people who love their gardens and sharing them with the cyber world. In this group there was a lady showing some beautiful head planters. I was mesmerized on how beautiful they were. My motto is plants are people too.. green people and they need you to nourish, groom and sometimes even talk to them. Head planters almost makes you feel like you’re talking face to face with your plants. Looking at their faces with empty heads makes you think, what kind of hairdo would complete their look (you know how we women love our hair to be right 🙂 – it sets the tone) “Head Planters” give your plants the personality they deserve. I did some research for head planters.. here are some favorites I came across:
This African Queen head planter is beautiful. I love the beaded detail along the side of her face

and this little darling in pure white is simply lovely

and for buddha lovers.. these are perfect


and then there’s this one with it’s exotic eyes

You can so much fun with them creating a new look simply by changing her hair. Are you intrigued yet? Well, I couldn’t stand not having a beautiful planter so I asked who, where, & how do I get one. Low and behold, they were being made by a group member. I contacted her and she showed me some of the ones she had left. The minute I saw this lady.. I screamed.. she’s the one!! I want her – so ladies (and gents) …. I’d like for you to meet Elfredah..

Here’s the clinker.. I have an aunt name Alfreda.. how coincidental was that. I couldn’t wait to get her and settled into her new home with me and my green family. She arrived and I went to the nursery to find her new hairdo. The plant I found is called Emina.. and guess what.. my twin’s name is Amina.. (both pronounced the same) so you know this planter was meant to be for me and this is her new look all dressed up!

Isn’t she a beauty… I absolutely love it!! On Friday’s Feature post, I’m going to introduce to you the HeadMaker Lady. So I hope you join me in getting to know a little about Cynthia and I’ll be showing you more of the lovely ladies she created.. So stay tuned! You may want to order one for yourself. Smooches ?
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