Hello there! I hope you all enjoyed Thanksgiving and spending time with your loved ones. My frenzy 4-day whirlwind came and went so fast and as much moving around I did- I had hoped I lost the 5 pounds I gained from the turkey day dinner- again – there goes that wishful thinking ….. l0l. I really miss my weekly posts and connecting with you guys – so now I can get back to all that fun and thank you for not forgetting me.
Friday was the official countdown and we hustled and bustled to organize, tag, hanging and straightening. The front of the boutique looks quite pretty now (especially with my beautiful niece, Nadiyah, in front). We also started the #ShopSmall campaign.

I’d like to share the grand opening and pictures of the shop. The weather was perfect for the ribbon cutting and we had quite a few people join us with smiles and excitement about the shop. 
Our town mayor, Billy Hollingsworth, along with councilwoman, Cassie Fowler gave me the warmest welcome and thanked me for bringing my business to Whitmire. I’m very happy to be a member of the Economic Development Board and to be able to work with some really nice people.

After cutting the ribbon, the onlookers were welcomed in to browse, shop, and partake in light refreshments.

We had a free raffle for a chance to win this custom framed artwork by HoeMama, a South Carolina artist who mixes art and mother nature to create some beautiful paintings. You can view more of his works here.

As part of our effort in supporting local businesses and other entrepreneurs, we are carrying a line of homemade hand scrubs by ASG Handmade Designs. These are made by a young lady, Jovana Castro, whom I truly admire for her creativity. Her scrubs are absolutely wonderful and leave your hands feeling soft and smooth. Not only does she create hand scrub, but she also makes greeting cards as well, which we will carry. These nicely decorated jars are from her Pomegranate collection and they sell for $10.00ea. If you’d like to order, please contact me.

Here is a sample of her greeting cards. You can visit here to see more of her handcrafted beautiful cards.

We are pleased to be selling her products in Pieces of Time and wish her much success with her line of creations.
All in all, it was a fantastic day and I even was interviewed by our county newspaper (how exciting that was!) Here are a few pictures of items around the shop, some of which sold that day (yipppeeee) – I’m glad I caught these pictures..

Of course I’ll be moving things around, adding pieces, putting more items around, but that’s the fun part – re-redecorating.. 🙂

In all the excitement, I’m so glad we were able to snag a photo us..(I just love this her)

As we closed for the day, we reflected back and was pleased with the outcome

Then to my surprise on Monday, looky here!! We made the front page of the paper!!

That put another smile on my face.. 🙂 You can read the article here. I’m thanking you again for all your well wishes and encouragement and I look forward to sharing more moments in Pieces of Time with you.
Now, I can finally get busy on another makeover… I have a table in mind that needs a new look.. wish me luck on this project, and of course.. you’ll be the first to see. Take care everyone.. and I’ll see you soon. Peace and blessings to you.. Smooches!!
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