Foyer Update

Thrifting Small Town

Ever bought something you’ve been wanting then once you get it.. you don’t know what to do with it or where it’s going?  LOL… well welcome to my world.  Remember the screen I found at the pop-up yard sale last year?  I was thrilled to have finally found one and for $10.00.  I used it in my foyer as the backdrop for the antique coat rack.

My foyer was looking like this and I had been wanting change out the art work above the settee, but wasn’t sure what to put there.  I thought maybe a wall gallery, or a huge mirror, but nothing was coming to mind.  So, I just left it and figured sooner or later something will come along.  One thing about thrifting your house into a home, you can’t just decide what you want to get and go to the store to get it.. everything is always “by chance” or “just happened” because it’s the thrill of the hunt.

Before you proceed:  First, can you join me for a moment of silence to bid farewell to my wonderful pencil cactus plant (featured above).  I had this plant about 10 years and for the life of me, I don’t understand what happened, but she died. It was losing stems and they were turning brown and drying – it was a depressing slow death – looking at her dwindle away and then seeing this picture of her is quite saddening.. (boohoo – sniff, sniff).  I visited a nursey and one this size costs $$.. so I’ll find something else to replace there.




Ok.. silence over and now let’s look at my new item for this space!!

Well at that same store, I popped in there during the Town Wide Yard Sale we had back in October and I found the something I’d been wanting but thought I’d never luck up and find one.  My initial idea was to use it in my dining room to camouflage the speaker, which turned out to be a no-no.  But since my dining room is going through a change, I’ve kept it in there trying to decide if I should keep it or re-sell it (and that thought cringed me).  Then just recently, bingo- it hit me.. use it in the foyer as the backdrop for the settee.   And guess what –  I LOVE IT!   T

What a wonderful excitement to make me feel better. – right!!  DRAMA!!! This screen was found right here in small town Whitmire!  The big score was truly one of those “right time right place” moments.  Screens of this caliber costs a couple hundred dollars, but I got it for $40.00.  (insert huge happy dance)!

At first I thought it’s a bit too much for this space considering the other one flanks the adjacent wall.  But now, I’m thinking.. I may ditch the rattan and go on the hunt for one similar to the wood. (hmmm…)

I love the little wrought iron details inside it (but God knows it added some serious extra weight to it ugghhhh)

I really am very pleased with this look.. I remember when I first worked on this foyer, I was liking the bare minimal look, but I can’t help it.. I’m a maximalist and I  couldn’t take the bareness lol..

Here’s a view from my living room.  Two of the pillows are made from the fabric panels and trimmed with the leopard chair cloth.. (side note – my shelfie styling had a bit of an update with my thrifted frames and of course everything including the unit was thrifted)

This is all part of a few changes (small) that I’m making around the house for a fresher look.  Now, wasn’t that a wonderful score – shopping small town sales may have some goodies in store, so don’t pass them up.

Happy hunting, while you thrift your house into a home!





8 thoughts on “Foyer Update

  1. Oh what a gorgeous find! I am truly in love with it and you found the perfect place for it. You always amaze me with your gorgeous style!
    I’m so sorry about your pencil plant. Sending a great big hug to you!
    Happy Tuesday!

    • Hey Nancy! Thank you so much. Yea losing this plant really hurt me because it’s been with me so long…i appreciate that hug.. hope all is well with you…

  2. That moment was deafening!!!! Awwwww🥰 I totally understand. But now look…you have something in just the right place that has soothed your soul a bit and that you can enjoy without fear of a slow, agonizing demise!

    • Hey Alycia!! Yes.. you really get attached to your plant babies, they’re living creatures in your home just like pets.. so this one really bothered me.. i even tried talking to it.. didn’t help.. but yes the screen did bring back that feel good mood.. thanks for reading and i hope all is well

  3. Jamala, you have described the thrift shopping process so well. You have a really strong sense of style that pulls it all together, even if there’s not a planned spot for every purchase. Anyway, that’s a killer screen, very rich looking. I can see it as a head board too. Sorry about the pencil plant!

    • Hey Ruth! Thank you so much.. your kind words are so much appreciated..i try to be as helpful and transparent as i can without being too wordy lol.. but I’m glad you like the screen. Thanks about the plant.. broke my heart..

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