Hey Guys!! I know it’s late, but I meant to post it earlier (but a squig of Nyquil knocked me out last night and I’ve been busy since coming home).. but moving along.. Things had been a bit quiet around … Continue reading
Hey Guys!! I know it’s late, but I meant to post it earlier (but a squig of Nyquil knocked me out last night and I’ve been busy since coming home).. but moving along.. Things had been a bit quiet around … Continue reading
Every wander in a store and find an item at a great price and then see “why” it was a great price? Well that was the case with this 9″ brass pineapple. It was a misfit, but for $6.00 I had … Continue reading
The time is approaching again for our town’s 2nd Annual I-2-I 49 Mile Yard Sale and needless to say I’m excited about it. Last week I had the privilege (as HE called it – WHAT EVAH!) to accompany the hubby on one of his annual golf tournaments in Tennessee. I’d never been to Tennessee and thought it’d be fun to go thriftin’.. I mean let’s face it.. I have no real interest in golf – but I was totally excited to see what I’d find in another state. So I googled the thrift stores in the area.. and LUCKED UP.. Too bad we didn’t bring a truck, because I’ve got some goodies to show you…here are some of the items I found..
Item #1 – This pair of wooden/rattan end tables… for a whopping $20.00
Item #2 – this vintage wooden lamp – $10.99 (WOW)
Item #3 – a vintage club chair.. $28.99 (What a Steal!!)
Item #4 – another chair.. this little find could use a cleaning, but no tears and guess what – $14.99
Item #5 – it must be chair season.. because look at this chair.. $48.99
Item #6 was this ultra comfy sofa in the most prettiest soft bluish grey color for $164
This was fun trip and I look forward to going again..(of course I got that “Oh brother” look from him – but do I care- NOPE!) I’ve got a few more items to show that I brought home and I’ll show those next Friday.
If you’re in the area.. Come on the thrifting trail at the 49mile yard sale.. You never know what you’ll find..
Now, if only I can get lucky with the winning lottery numbers and pick some good numbers I’d really be a happy camper.. In the meantime..