Friday Finds

First I’d like to say “TGIF”!!!  It’s been one of those weeks that Friday couldn’t come soon enough..I’m sure some of you can join me with this feeling.   I’ve been hitting Goodwill religiously every week and thought I’d start sharing my finds with you.  I’ve found so many great items, some I lucked up being able to buy – some I didn’t get there soon enough and lost out on.  I know you’re probably wondering “what the heck is she shopping for now?”  (like my husband does) but again .. remember the word.. THRILL..  gotta do it.  But actually, I’ve been shopping with a purpose also.  I’m helping my brother decorate his home.  He purchased a home last year and have been working at it little by little.  It was a fixer-upper that was a GODFATHER of a deal.. (you know – an offer he couldn’t refuse).  The price ($5,000) he couldn’t resist.  Trust me..I didn’t fault him one bit.  I’m going to take you on a journey of his house next week – so follow along.  But moving on to my Friday Finds..

I was coming home from work last Friday and came across this yard sale in town.. could you believe this set was $40.00 (there are 4 chairs – one just wasn’t in the picture).  Naturally – I snagged that.. of course the chairs will be recovered – in due time

This pair of wall sconces were snagged at Goodwill for $4.75ea.. They’ll get a face lift (of course)

This chandelier is perfect for his kitchen (which is yellow and white). This cutey was found at Goodwill for $9.75.  I’ll give the gold a new polished look

For me – I like this plate.. the color is springy.. so that came home with me for $1.75

Last but not least.. which I love.. This big Sunflower dish.. I figured it would look lovely propped on his counter.  His favorite football team is Minnesota Viking and he’s wanting yellow & purple in his kitchen.  So for $2.75 it’s in the trunk headed to its new home.


This is one thing that I couldn’t buy.. can you say “drats, drats and double drats”  it was only $40.75 – Someone else beat me to it..

Well guys, these were my Friday Finds.. Tune in again for next Friday to see what else I snag.. Until then.. enjoy your weekend and Happy Hunting!!


Weekend: Music and Projects

Hello everyone, it’s been a few days and yes, your thrifty girl took a break from posting. But unfortunately not a break from home-work. Chores, chores, and more chores..  but it’s all good.  The hubby was away at a golf tournament for the weekend and that meant I got to play my music all day and as long as I like..yipppeee.. (he’s a TV person so I always respect him and either turn it  down or off when he comes in to relax) because I tend to turn the volume up when the music’s getting good.  The weather was absolutely gorgeous here – I couldn’t decide whether to do indoor or outdoor projects.. So.. I did a little of both.  I got up and chose the music for the weekend and Lou Rawls was first to go in the carousel (and I chose 4 more that consists of compilations of all old school r&b)  but I’ll stop there because I could go on & on about music.  Lady Love was one of those treasured songs between me & hubby and it stuck with me.  Of course over the years many more have touched our hearts but this was on my mind this weekend.   Besides there are so many good songs on this entire cd – I love it.

First on the list… laundry and the Laundry area.. Pet hair – everywhere.   Time for Diamond to keep her big butt outside.. diamod

Got that area swept and cleaned up and it’s back to normal


Next on the list – Front Porch – sweep the winter away along with the pollen and cob webs.. and begin prepping it for pretty.  Took time to paint these items to give them a fresh look.  The sedum in this pot grows so nicely.  The little black table became copper and the flower pot has a pink/copper new look



It’s fresher look is most welcoming


Old man winter did it’s damage to my Agave plants.. I’m really upset over losing them.. I’ve had them for quite a few years, but I guess they couldn’t hang in there.   Well have to say good-bye to them – sniff sniff.  🙁


I did a quick look around at the flower beds and everything else is coming back beautifully – so it didn’t too much damage.  Weeding the beds are my next week projects.. but they are looking quite good for me to not have done anything to them.  Thank God for perennials.

Next on the list was to finish potting more of my herbs.  I bought a variety of them and need to get them potted.  The herbal cart turned out very well and I needed another stand for some more pots.  I found this inside my storage area

And decided to revamp it with some spray paint as well, along with more flower pots.  I’ve got more herbs to have cooking fun with

Last but not least, my  back door needed a fresh coat of paint real bad.. The scuff marks were “not” coming off.  So, I gave up scrubbing and pulled out the paint brush.   I’m so glad I did it because it looks much better.


Well (in the mere words of Bugs Bunny) that’s all folks!   I hope you had a wonderful and productive weekend too!  Feel free to share your story with me.. I’d love to hear about it.  I also hope you enjoyed listening to Lou.




Air Plants in the House

I stopped over at the nursery to see what they have and saw the air plants.  There were so many to choose from.

Well needless to say I came home with 5..  I love those little buggers especially since they require no dirt.   They’re very easy to care for.  All you basically need to do is dip them in water or spray them.   To learn more about their care you can click here.  You can be so creative with including them in your decor.   This is how I used them.   

Here I used a couple of the sand dollars that were in the Seashell Jackpot.   Using a dab of hot glue to hold in place I created a “sandwich” for the plant to display with the seashell vignette.

This one sits nice and cozy inside the swan cork dish

The sea rock had holes and this one sits neatly inside.. I dabbled a bit of hot glue to keep it in place

This one fits perfectly inside the bottle neck of this vintage vase

The seashell nestles this one

Do you like them?  Have you grown air plants?  If so, share them with me..

Kudos to Krogers

I paid a visit to Kroger’s supermarket and noticed their basket of manager’s special flowers and thought I’d buy a few to create an arrangement to brighten my day.. fresh flowers always says “it’s a beautiful day to be happy” to me.



I’m a novice at creating an arrangement but I tried my luck and was pleased.   I used a cheap vase I bought at that terrific yard sale last week for $0.75.  I liked it because it was on a pedestal – nothing fancy but what the heck..

It’s a  beautiful Saturday and it’s nice to have a lovely bouquet around the house … light some candles and let the day begin..  Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

SeaShells Jackpot!

Hey there –  finally it’s starting to smell like spring and I’m sooo happy.  I see the daffodils and tulips popping their heads up from underground preparing us for all the beautiful colors to come as nature changes her season.   With warmer weather comes the influx of yard sales – YIPPEEE! – and you know how I love those yard sales.   There was a one in town this past weekend and there were lots of goodies – but I took it easy buying .. the prices were excellent.  I’ve been wanting sea shells but they’re so expensive in the stores.  A small bag runs about $4.00-$5.00  and there are usually small ones inside.  But look what I got for $4.00  –  It was the Sea Shell Jackpot!


I was so happy because I’ve been wanting some to put inside my apothecary jars for a spring look, so, those came right on time.  I changed up the the foyer cabby with a new look..  I still had the fall display on it, so with spring coming it was time.

So from this:


I went to this:

The shells and clear glass brightens up the space.  This little cabinet has really been a real winner.  You can see the transformation here.

What a difference $4.00 made