Hey Guys! I hope all is well with you… I realize things have been a bit quiet around the blog, but it’s only because I’ve been outside enjoying as much summer as I can. It’s hard to believe Fall is … Continue reading
Hey Guys! I hope all is well with you… I realize things have been a bit quiet around the blog, but it’s only because I’ve been outside enjoying as much summer as I can. It’s hard to believe Fall is … Continue reading
Hey everyone, hope all is well. It’s been a few days since we’ve spoken but your Vintage Girl has been busying herself. Going through boxes and boxes of that word we use “stuff”. It was like opening up Pandora’s box. Uggghhh.. As I was going through all the “stuff” that’s been stored for months/years I realized how bad I had it..I’m a hoarder.. There! I confessed! chuckles… But it’s been contained – out of sight- in my storage building. I guess you’re wondering why I decided to open Pandora..Well, it’s good news -Your vintage girl along with her posse Amina and Renee are back in business. Shop business – that is. “Pieces of Time” which was the name of our antique store has opened a booth in Summit, New Jersey. Yipppeeee! We are really excited about it. So I took the trip to New Jersey this past weekend to help set up. So this post is to showcase what we displayed in our first go round.
This little lady is Lefton China – we call her Cinderella -and she is very vintage..
Next to her are the daintiest invitation cards neatly tucked inside the limoge mail holder with a matching letter opener. The lovely pink coasters and pearl necklaces add to the princess theme.
A mixture of vintage and slightly used handbags grace the top shelf, while hand-crafted crystal butterflies and candle wick dippers are underneath. You can see the butterflies & wick dippers up close by visiting A perfect day to dream. On her website you will find all the beautiful designs created by LindaG.
It was a challenge to put this Moorish-American chalkware statue in the display case (oh-so loving it)
This moorish head base is made from ceramic.
Vintage caribbean art from Haiti adds a colorful island backdrop
And the boy eating strawberries makes an excellent garden showpiece
This matching light set is very lovely..The set is two wall sconces and ceiling fixture
An antique babydoll sits happily in her carriage
Even though it’s not a huge space, but it’s good for us to start with..(again) Here is me and my twin – Amina
And this is Amina and Renee…and together we make {Pieces of Time}
I wish I hadn’t forgotten my camera because I would have gotten much better photos, but the camera on my phone didn’t do too bad.. I hope you enjoyed “shopping” with me and if you see anything you like, let me know.. because it’s all “For Sale”