I’d like to introduce you to Caine, the newest member of our family. My husband brought home this little cutie pie of a terror a few weeks ago. After 3 days of being in the house, we both realized we … Continue reading
I’d like to introduce you to Caine, the newest member of our family. My husband brought home this little cutie pie of a terror a few weeks ago. After 3 days of being in the house, we both realized we … Continue reading
Every Spring I get excited about sitting in my “She-Rest Haven” and love finding little items to decorate with. I try to change a few items every year just for a bit of a new look. This year instead of focusing on the small items to place around – I became inspired by a shower curtain I picked up from HomeGoods a few months back. It was in the clearance aisle marked down to $10.00. The beautiful bold print caught my eye and I thought it would be great in the gazebo with the nice subtle tones of the greens and blues.
I figured the bold paisley fabric would make perfect pillow cushions for the Better Homes & Garden outdoor set I purchased a few years ago on sale at Walmart. The set is still in great condition, however, the seat cushions show wear and are not firm anymore, not to mention the fabric has seen better days. Two years ago I recovered the back cushions made some floral throw pillows from scrap fabric.
It held up pretty well, but the seat cushions just bothered me. I saw how another blogger buddy, Brandi, painted her cushions because the color had faded and they looked really good. I thought about doing the same, but mine were just a bit too flimsy and needed stiffening.
So I bit the bullet and made the decision that it was time to really kick it up and get the cushions reupholstered professionally. I found the perfect outdoor fabric that complimented the shower curtain fabric and headed to the upholsterer’s home to get started. A few days later I was picking them up and they look fantastic!
In fact – I think they look even better than when I first purchased them (especially as for the color scheme of them), here’s the original fabric (booooooring)
I know…..not that exciting… but hey – I got the set at a fantastic price and it was sturdy.
You feel me?.. besides…. the fun part is always changing it to reflect your style.
The two colors were blended perfect and I love the new look. It actually looks and feel like I have a new set. Ta-daaaahhhhh!!!
So much prettier ….. I wanted to add another twist of color and saw a delicious orange/pink fabic (with these little fish pattern) and thought that would be a fun pop of color. A bit of tropical blue mixed with some orange crush made a nice contrast for the pillows and kinda reminds me of rainbow sherbert.
I’m so thrilled about the new look.
Found these dainty tealight chandys at Ross’s Dress for Less for &6.99 ea
I couldn’t resist the yoga cat I found at AtHome store
This flower pot was a thrifted item for $1.50
The little vintage tin I picked up from Goodwill for $1.00 holds decorative napkins. Mixing old and new items gives a space a bit more character
I kinda have a secret fettish for collecting these type tins. They’re so useful in so many different ways and they add a decorative touch around your space. Here are more of my At Home goodies… (I think I’m about to get hooked on that store)
and at night it looks even more enchanting..
Recovering the cushions saved money and I’ll have this set a few more years. I can’t wait to hang out in here with my besties – just us girls listening to some music, having some sips and dips and simply “chillaxing”. How’s your “get ready for Summer” going? You’ll see me post more about my “Rest Haven” this summer, but in the meantime – as always – “Happy hunting while Thrifting your house into a home!”
Hey, hey!! I hope all is well with you and you’re keeping cool.. It’s been blazing here in SC.. and it’s not even Summer yet — Good grief.. the HEAT IS ON! I’ve been doing a bit of relaxing since the yard sale last week and started reading the Ebook by Kia Salter @ House of KTS. I’m so glad she created this to share her tips of the trade with us. Thanks Girl – So far so good!! Then there was another quick project I wanted to get done – which I did and want to share with you. I know you’re probably wondering “Where is the freaking chair??? LOL!! I know – I know… but my instructor took ill again.. poor thing.. she suffers badly with rheumatoid arthritis and has not been up to par.. and we are down to the last stretch. But she says next week so.. in the meantime, I’m busying myself in the garden and other little projects. If you remember I had this old lamp around and used it for a quick hat stand to display my vintage hats earlier…
I thought I’d use it in the boutique but then another idea hit me…I’ve been wanting to make this planter ever since I saw it posted here. While cleaning out the garage for the yard sale I found some of the glass shades that didn’t sell before and bingo! It hit me.. do the project. I used the super glue E6000 and boy does that stuff work!
I used a Rustoleum spray paint in mint green and lime green to give it a new look. Attached the shades with the glue and filled with dirt and plants.. and voila! It’s a Planterabra now!
I used plants I already had around – and these are succulents so they won’t be needing much water (and if you’re new here you can see the transformation of the bistro set here)
So basically this project only cost the price of the glue..
It can even be a really cool centerpiece as well for a garden party. This project was extremely easy and I’m glad The Red Head gave me an even better inspiration on how to use this old lamp. I’ve been wanting a new edition to the She-Rest Haven and this was the perfect added touch.
It sits on the corner shelf adding just a touch of elegance to blend with the bohemian ambiance
I’m glad I decided to hang the macrame planter (another thrifty find for $1.00) in there.
This plant here, I have to give myself a pat on the back about.. It’s my pineapple plant – grown from the top of a pineapple. I tried my luck last year and so far – its hanging in there.. so – Woohooo to me!!
I just did a few simple changes and this Haven is ready – so let the CHILLAXIN’ BEGIN!!
(I’m contemplating on painting the cushions… another blog-buddy did hers and they look great – so I’m thinking.. will keep you posted on it of course) … But for now.. tah-tah… and remember Go for it! Create and get Inspired..Smooches!
Friday is finally here and your thrifty gal was on a roll this week. Began the garden weeding (which I hate so much – I wish the plants would grow as fast as the weeds.. uggghhhh!! WEEDS BEGONE!! but the beds are looking fuller. I finally painted the porch swing and completed that cozy space and last but not least for this week’s projects… I found the paint color to match the chairs. Remember these – my thrifty score for $25.00
They were paired with my lonely table.
Well.. I found the matching color which is “Lafonda Mirage” by Valspar and now it’s all a set. I’m too thrilled about this set. I’ve developed a love for rattan and this set was all thrift store deals. The table base was $30.00 purchased years ago.. the glass top was taken from another table that was rickety..(perfect fit).. the chairs completed the look. Total cost for this look $85.75
The outdoor rug was purchased on line from World Market for $19.99 but it’s actually on sale for $9.99 (drats). I should have waited.. oh well.. my lost.. chuckles.. can’t win them all..
Remember the wall vase? (you can see the before here) I added some faux seasonal flowers and sprayed some tree branches
I was on a spray craze, and also did the placemats.. What the heck.. they were only $0.75 cents.. chuckles..
The adorable little vase was another Goodwill purchase.. for $2.75. I fell in love with the color and how it’s accented with the little white dots (it was made handmade pottery by someone name Amy Sizemore in 2002 – how I know – she signed the bottom)
I know, cute little toss pillows are missing but that’s ok… they’ll come in due time…but in the meantime, it’s perfect to enjoy breakfast, smoothies, lunch or dinner on the deck. Time for me to take a little rest and I hope you all have a smooth-ie weekend! Ciao!