Monday MakeOver

Sometimes you can look at items in your home and feel it’s not quite the look you want and decide to give it a new look.  Some may take the route of getting rid of it and buying new and some take the route of keeping it and giving it a new look.  The latter was my decision for the bench in our bedroom.  Even though we only use it to lay the decorative pillows on while we’re sleeping, but I still felt it wasn’t quite the right look for me.  I just wasn’t in a rush to change it because I wanted the right fabric (which takes time to find).

A few weeks ago I found some fabric at a warehouse for $2.00 a yard (can you believe it??)  The bench need 3 yards so for $6.00 I was jumping for joy because not only did I find the right fabric that excited me, but the price was right!!

My only concern was – would it clash with the leopard chair in our bedroom….  nail biting moment.  I had a particular look in my mind and hoped my vision would be great.   When I got it home, I contemplated really hard and decided to make a go for it.  To tone it down a bit, I decided to do the seat cushion in a solid (which I already had from a previous job) and do the remaining in the print with it accented in the plain cream color. All I can say is that I’m totally happy with the new look and it didn’t clash at all.  So let’s take a look at the bench’s makeover.

Does it look exciting to you so far?

I’m definitely smiling about the new look.

In addition to the rug, you can see how much color it gave the space.

This is more of a reflection of my taste in fabric because I love animal print.

The blue slipper chair will be next on the list (once I find the right fabric) but for now, it still blends with the space.

And it didn’t clash with the darker leopard either.

I used the throw from the family room sofa and added it to the bed for more pink color around the room.

Just another added touch for a new look while preparing for Spring.  Hopefully I’ll find fabric for the slipper chair to complete the room.

Even though I’m pleased with the small changes I’m making in our bedroom, I’m stuck on a dilemma with our “use to be” sons’ room and can’t seem to decide on a look.  But in the meantime, these little makeover distractions does me well.  Hopefully soon, the vision will hit me.  Have you ever been stuck in a rut on trying to decide what to do?  What did you do to get out of it?  Drop me a few suggestions… I hope you like the new look of the bench and I’m wishing you all a fabulous week!  Happy hunting while you thrift your house into a home!!



16 thoughts on “Monday MakeOver

    • Thanks Nancy! Yea the bed is a special antique piece from a very dear friend.. I glad you recognized the beauty of it. I’m happy to hear you love the new look

  1. Jamala I love your makeovers and this bench just as fabulous as your other pieces. Love the the seat is done in a different fabric, I love it, it’s beautiful 😍 !

    • Hey there Ida! Your excitement just tickled me.. I’m so happy you enjoy the bench….I stepped out on a whim with the two tone look and glad it turned out the way I envisioned it… hugs to you

  2. I absolutely love the new look of your bench, and especially I like the idea of combining the leopard fabric with the solid fabric for the seat cushion. This combination makes the bench look so much stylish, and goes really nice with the darker leopard chair. And the price of the fabric is just unbelievable! Enjoy the new look of the bench! Love how you have styled your bedroom. Everything looks so perfectly curated!

    • Hey Besa! That’s an honor coming from you…(you know how much I enjoy your style) .. Thank you so much. .. your compliment is much appreciated …

  3. I so enjoy reading your posts and hope you get as much joy posting them. Your family and home are beautiful and I’ve received a lot of inspiration. Thanks!!! Cindy

    • Thank you Cindy (hugs to you) … your comment warmed my heart…I truly appreciate you reading and am pleased to know I’ve inspired you. You made my day brighter

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