Friday Finds

Hey hey everyone!! Now that we’re well into the new year and I’ve finally gotten use to writing 2019 instead of 2018, I can officially say, I’m off to a thrifting good time. I came across lots of goodies, but mind you, I’m not looking for anything in particular.  We’ve been venturing out to new locations and popped in a Goodwill and came across two zebra print pillows and a floral painting.   You know I love animal print and flowers so, in the cart they went.  I’ve been eyeing zebra fabric online but just hadn’t ordered any (glad I didn’t) because these two satisfied my craving and all together I spent $5.84.

I removed the fiber filling (yuck), washed the covers and stitched the edges to create a flange border.  Instead of adding fiberfill, I used feather inserts for a more plush custom-made appearance. Now they’re all fresh and looking lovely.

For additional pattern play I decided to use them in the guest room.

If you recall I did a post on Pillow Talk and just love how pillows can make such a impact in a room without costing a small fortune.

I always thought I could use something in the space below the nude painting (and decor rule #xyz says you’re suppose to style in trios) I hung it under the painting which looks good there..

This  room is pretty neutral, so the flowers added just enough color on the wall.  At night, under the light, the colors look vibrant.

So a subtle new look for $6.00 isn’t a bad way to start the year.  Last month when I purchased the champagne flutes for the Mango-Pomegranate Spritzers I spotted some long stem red wine bubble glasses.  I passed on buying, but when I got home, I kicked myself, because I should have gotten them (don’t you hate that!!) .  I did a little online shopping and found these from Crate and Barrel

The were quite nice but after shipping they were in the range of $45.  Two weeks later I went back to the store and they were still there.. this time, they were 50% off, so the entire set of this crystal stemware was $6.00.  A quick wash in the dishwasher and they’re sparkling beauties.

Now… what’s up with high end barware?  I mean have you ever heard of the designer brand Laguiole? Well….  I haven’t… but I saw this swanky Laguiole corkscrew & bottle opener set designed by Jean Dubost for $8.00.  The ivory handle caught my eye so I decided to buy it.  Glad I did, because it was a steal.  This particular set normally sells for $38.99 on Amazon  with others ranging up to $216.00 (imagine that.. just to open a bottle of  must be nice.. but I’ll take the $8.00 set any day.  After researching the brand, I learned it’s an historic French company that began making high end barware in 1880.  I passed it on to my son and he was happy to have it for his bar cart.

I was on the search for some new glasses for my son because likes the thicker glasses (or as he calls it – the man’s glass)… While in World Market I spotted these and sent him a picture to see if it was the style he wanted.

It was….. but… uhhhh… hmmmm…. not for $5.99 ea… I think not.. ( I literally see this style of glassware every-freaking-where.. I knew I’d stumble on some – eventually)

Went into Restore Habitat and found a set of taller ones for .75 each.  Got a set of 6 for less than the price of one.  “SCORE!!!”

Now, again, I’m not looking for anything in particular, but here are some other items I also found along the way.  This dresser set with the mirror and two end tables was $125.00 (excellent price!)

This curved mid-century sofa was $65.00  (now this.. i wanted to bring home with me)

This curved bench was $38.75 – nice but overpriced (side note… Goodwill has gotten ridiculous.. you see the patterned chair – well there’s two of them in the store with matching ottomans.. they’re priced at $200 each set.. gtfoh.. it’s been sitting in that store now for 2 months.. )

This pair of sofas were moderately priced at $260.00 (not bad at all)

Honestly speaking I wish I was ready to change out my sectional, because I took a liking to this polka dot Broyhill sofa set.. it was in perfect condition.   This set was $250

and right next to it was a stylish wing back … for $85.00 

Even though I’m not looking for anything in particular, (except a chest of drawers) thrifting has really become therapeutic for me.  I enjoy getting out just to see and share because you never know who might be reading and need something.  So, how has your year started?  Have you jumped on the MarieKondo bandwagon and started ditching things or are you more like me, enjoying all the found goodies and wanting to enjoy them longer..  lol.. whichever it is.. always remember.. Happy hunting while you thrift your house into a home!!



25 thoughts on “Friday Finds

    • Thanks lady!! With soooo much nice glassware out there I’ll never buy from new stores.. the bargains are out there and at far better prices

  1. I’m glad you are out and about thrifting again because you find the most incredible bargains. I’ve been obsessed with floral oil paintings lately and you found a score on this one. Thanks for sharing, Jamala.

  2. Great finds! I have that glassware set that you said you see everywhere too! I can’t believe that someone got rid of the set, but I don’t recall paying $5.99 per glass either…😉

  3. Editing my comment: I think the floral colors stand out so much more on a a dark background and are much lovelier! Gotta check myself better when I!

  4. Love those finds, especially the flowers! I’m always looking for something like them because I just don’t see many floral paintings with a black background because the colors stand out so muc more. As always, such a pleasure reading your blog and tweets and can’t wait to see you in more magazines.

    • Hey cindy!! I totally agree with you.. they stand out better on a black background.. it’s not that many out there.. it was a shocker I found it.. thank you so much for reading and i’m glad you enjoy it…😊

  5. I’m sitting in my car reading your blog and waiting for an estate sale to open. Too cold to stand outside even for we Chicagoans. Thanks for the New Years inspiration. Your pillow refresh is great, and it’s good to know how to do that. Like everyone else I’m fascinated by Marie Kondo. We are prepping for a move to a warmer state, so am trying to focus on what “sparks joy” during the process. Finding that beautiful bar ware and ivory set would definitely do that!

    • Hey there ruth! First..I hope you found some goodies at the estate sale.. please share if you did.. ..i’m like you… me and cold don’t mix too well.. just curious which warm state are you moving to? Thanks for reading.. glad you’re finding some inspiration here 🙂 ttyl

  6. Great post! Your Goodwill has much better furniture than the ones here in Va. Our Re-store gets good stuff though.(but pricey!)
    It’s such fun to go thrifting vicariously with you and see what good buys you’ve found!

    • Hi Mel..Thanks for reading…I’m glad you enjoy thrifting with me …😊.. sometimes I wonder if my readers enjoy seeing what i’m seeing and you just answered my thoughts.. I appreciate that..

  7. Fabulous finds!! I’m definitely not on the MarieKondo bandwagon, even though I can see the benefits of her methods, I’m just way too emotionally attached to a lot of the special items I’ve been collecting for years. That said I am going to have to much more casually go through my belongings and set some things aside to donate because I’m moving this year and will probably end up sacrificing a bit of space to live in an area I love.

    Happy 2019!

    • Hey ms kitsch… woohoo.. glad to hear i’m not the only one jumping on the bandwagon.. yes.. we must continue to enjoy our goodies.. I see you’re moving.. good luck with it.. moving can be very stressful let alone having to depart with some items… find peaceful moments in the midst of the chaos to get you through it… thanks for reading and sharing..

      • Aw! Thank you for wishing me good luck with the move! I’m definitely trying to find peaceful moments, though they have been few and far between! Your blog is wonderful and I’m really looking forward to the move being over so I can really dig in and start reading it more! ❤

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