$2.00 Tuesday

You know what time it is?? Another episode of $2.00 Tuesday.  This might be very well one of my best finds (this year).. because I got all three of these frames for $2.00!!  YES.. $2.00 for all of them.

The store I hit was Restore Habitat, which has become my absolute favorite for quite some time… (I’m still on my anti-Goodwill kick – but I may venture back next year).. MAYBE..   It’s been years since I’ve framed family photos and figure it’s time I display my family pics a bit more and with frames this cheap – why not?  and I get the pictures printed in color at my local print shop on cardstock for less than $1.00.  I’m on a brass frame kick and have been lucking up finding them.  The black and brass was really cool and contemporary looking.  The silver/wood is a bit more masculine for me, so that went to my son’s home with a picture of his angel.  The small brass, got another picture of my little muffin.  Now mind you, these were quality frames, velvet backing and in fantastic condition.  The only thing cheap about them was the price.

Just sharing how they look around the house.


Here is another one I got for $2.00 a couple weeks ago (when I shopping for the ORC)

The both of these polished brass frames were $2.00.  Of course they’re a simple curved edge, but I like their simplicity.

Also this frame was only $2.00

So for less than $15.00 I have framed family photos.  To see more of my $2.00 Tuesday finds, just click here.  Decorating your home doesn’t have to break the bank and these posts are to inspire you to live the Lifestyle of the Thrift & Famous!


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