

Being dormant can cause you to lose your mojo (so to speak) and pretty much that’s how I’ve been feeling.. not to be redundant, but with all that’s going on I kept thinking posting about home decor, thrift finds and all that jazz, would be the wrong thing to do, so, I just laid low and decided to chill.  I have been busy doing things on the weekends, because my M-F schedule hasn’t changed at all since the lockdown.  At one time, I thought about just sitting and writing to you all to see how’s it going, but I figured – eh- I’ll give it a break (forgive me but I hope you understood).  Then, as I was watching all the participants in the One Room Challenge post their transformations, I felt totally excited and refreshed with a tench of mojo coming back.  I actually decided to hit a thrift store one weekend (SC opened up).  Although I was a bit nervous about it, I’m glad we did go (masked) – we hit one store, had an outdoor lunch at our favorite place and headed back home.  Usually we’re out until 5 or 6:00 but we were home by 2:00.  Even though we didn’t stay long it was good to get out for a bit.  Before I continue, I want to say with all sincerity, I hope you all are doing well and staying safe.  These are scary times – health and safety wise – and I pray constantly (as I’m sure you do) it will all get better.  In the meantime, we just mosey-on trying to make the best of everything and try to live somewhat normally.   My intentions are to get back to my regular postings, and stay connected with you.  So..with all the covid cleaning – there were quite a few of bargains out there and I wish I had the space to bring them home with me.  You know how it is.. you always find the best stuff when you can’t bring it home with you, heeeheee.,.. (but you all know I’ve had my share of super scores).  As I was browsing around a Restore Habitat, I spied a basket with some cut up remnants of fabric.  I spotted this gorgeous raised velvet fabric.  As I pulled it out, I was hoping nothing was wrong with it – turned out it was in great condition and it was about 1 yard AND for $1.00 – I couldn’t lose buying it, especially considering how much raised velvet costs by the yard.  I tried to take a good picture to see the details.  I loved the white back ground with the bronze tone pattern which is outlined in black.. really a gorgeous piece of fabric.

I hoped I’d find a place to put the fabric and it dawned on me when I got home, why not the living room – worth a try?  Tapping my inner Veronica, of CasaVilora, and Linda of LindaGLovingHome (two of my favorite powerhouse pattern queens) I needed to add more pattern to my leopard chair because, the “safe” white pillow just wasn’t enough for me -afterall- life is too short to have “safe pillows”- right??

So, I made a pillow and now the chair has more kick to it.

I’m sure there may be several designers saying “wtf” is going on in here… but to me.. I dig it.

Like I said… ‘Pillow-Mania”

oh well call me crazy.. but I love it.. and for $1.00 – it’s fantastic!

Having a mixture on different seating areas

Or a mixture on the beds

and even mixing it in my office

Pillows are by far the most inexpensive way to liven up your space (that is unless you’re buying designer pillows (if that’s the case your’re reading the wrong blog hahaha) because here, I inspire you to live the lifestyle of the thrift and famous!  I hope I’ve inspired you to take a chance and mix your patterns to spice things up.  Thanks for reading and please stay safe.  I’ll be back popping in your email on a regular basis again 🙂 –  I miss writing to you .



12 thoughts on “PillowMania

  1. So glad to see your emails again! I love all the pillows and that raised velvet is awesome and looks great with the leopard print. Can’t wait for more! Y’all stay safe and all the best to you and yours.

  2. I’m glad you’re posting again. Your blogs are are bright spot in my inbox! You’ve stitched some really beautiful pillows. My mom was a great seamstress but I didn’t inherit that gene.

    • Awwwww! Thank you Ruth..I’m hugging you big time on this comment! I enjoy making pillows, they’re the easiest things to sew, anything beyond that my brain shuts down lol.. stay safe my friend!

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