Fall Fashion Find

One thing I love about yard sales at old homes is looking at vintage clothing.  I hit one in our town a few weekends ago and they had a rack of vintage clothes.  I spotted a few cute suits and … Continue reading

Goodwill Glam

Everywhere I travel I always have a desire to pop into a local thrift store, Goodwill or flea market.  Last week I visited Raleigh, NC and popped into a Goodwill and found these gorgeous dishes.  Dishes is a(nother) weakness of … Continue reading

$2.00 Tuesday

You know sometimes it’s the simple things we find to make our house a home.  Sure, to make the search easier, we can go to Walmart or Target, peruse the isles of what we’re looking for and get it, but … Continue reading

Friday Finds

In all honesty, with my backyard looking like an ocean of leaves, decorating for Fall is something I literally have to muster up energy for.  I’m usually good for a mum or two on the porch, and call it quits.  … Continue reading

The Appeal of Vintage Slippers

If you recall a while back on a $2.00 Tuesday post how ecstatic I was about finding two pairs of these vintage slippers for $2.00 I was extremely happy, but here it is over two years later and they’re history … Continue reading