Sprucing up a Vintage Atomic Planter Good morning and I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday and day off. It’s been a bit since I’ve posted a $2.00 Tuesday, so I thought I’d share one today. If you recall in … Continue reading
Sprucing up a Vintage Atomic Planter Good morning and I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday and day off. It’s been a bit since I’ve posted a $2.00 Tuesday, so I thought I’d share one today. If you recall in … Continue reading
My oldest son, Jamil, has officially moved into his new apartment and I’ve been searching for items for his bachelor pad. As I reflect back on how time flies, he’s grown and on his own, a part of me was saddened, but the other part was happy. He’s all excited about it and truth be told – I’m excited for him.
I’ve been challenged not to use “antiques” chuckles..Oh boy .. here we go… Jamil said “Mommy – no antiques..” okay, okay, okay… but it’s all good.. I’m having fun doing his place. He knows I’m a thrifty shopper, so far I’ve gotten a couple things from a consignment store – like his dinette set – which was half off, I got it for $198.00. He loved it, in fact, had to give me a high five on that score. It was perfect for his place with a contemporary look.
I also found a coffee table at the same place for $32.00 – He even liked that too!! So now I’m getting a feel for his taste.
He needed something to hang on the wall where his dinette set would be. I had the perfect item in mind. I’ve had this big round rattan object for the longest and just didn’t do anything with it. It was given to me by a friend and she didn’t want it anymore.. it was lying around collecting dust. So, you know I gladly took it..I knew eventually I’d use it for something..(that’s part of my hoarder syndrome 🙂 .
I really like how it was made – it would make a really nice wall hanging.
So, I decided to make a mirror for him. I bought a plain round mirror from Michael’s for $7.99. To get rid of the “baskety look” I spray painted it a metallic bronze. Attached the mirror with hot glue and edged it off with twine. So here’s his finished mirror.
I’m liking it alot and since I’m so excited to show you.. I decided to hang it on a wall at my house to let you see it 🙂
I was contemplating adding a few feathers on it (you know how I love my feathers).. but I had to keep in mind (it’s for a guy) so I left them off (but boy – oh boy- was I tempted.
I’m like… hmmmmm… hey should I pass this up???? Chuckles.. I told him.. “I think you might be beat – because I’m digging it” He laughed and said “Oh really” but of course I’m going to give it to him.. I can’t wait to see it hung at his place. I’ll be showing you his “pad” in a few weeks. I miss having him around, but when I go to see him, it makes me smile.
I hope you guys like the mirror I created.. He hasn’t seen it yet, so I hope he does too.. See ya! Have a great weekend!!
Hello there!! I hope all is well with everyone…I’ve had a productive week and got quite a bit accomplished. I’m in the midst of preparing for our town’s big 49-mile yard sale.. I hope the weather holds up because it’s going to be a lot to shop for. So, if you’re interested.. by all means come pay us a visit. Well, I have a fantastic makeover to show you today..I really like how it turned out.. I’ve had this bistro set for about 14 years. I was going to sell it at the yard sale but decided not to – glad I didn’t. Here is the table.. before
The chairs are equally bad. The bad weather mixed with birds took its toll on them. The set is vintage wrought iron. I adore scrolled wrought iron.. that’s what attracted me to the set.
I decide to paint the set and give it a whole new look. I could’t make up my mind as to what color to paint so..I chose a two-tone color.
I was going to attempt to do the cushions myself, but I realize my short comings and a seamstress – I am not- so I recruited my dear friend Sylvia, of S&A Alterations, who happens to be the local seamstress. She saw the fabric I chose and was excited about my selection. She got right to working on them and by the end of the week she was calling to say she was finished. She delivered them (talk about fantastic service ) and we both were excited how they came out. All though she refused to take a picture.. I talked her into it.. Thank you Sylvia!!! 🙂 You’re the best!!
Got the cushions all screwed in and here is the finished new look!! Get ready to get excited… 🙂 I think you’e going to like it.. as for me… I LOVE IT!!!
So you see why I chose two-tone paint for the chairs…
I’m sooooooo glad I chose to keep it..
So… what’cha think???? Holla at your Thrifty Gal – If you like it, let me know it – clap your hands !!! “CLAP, CLAP”
Hello everyone! I hope your weekend weather was as beautiful as it was here in South Carolina. This weekend was just simply BEEE-UUU-TI-FUL! It forced you to go outside, love mother nature and simply be happy to be alive. That’s the feeling your thrifty girl had both days. I had to take advantage of the perfect weather and began weeding the flower beds…I really should have prepped my back for this.. I’m soooo like out of shape for this kid of work.. Over the winter you actually forget how much labor is involved in yard work. Headed out to Lowes on a mission to get deck stain, brush etc.. because it was time to stain the deck and passed 5 – yes- 5 yard sales.. I couldn’t stop on the way, because I needed to get to Lowes and get back. Well on the way home I HAD to stop.. the temptation got the best of me. I stopped at two of them and spent $11.00. I bought another chandelier for my brother’s house – never used for- for $10.00 and this pair of wrought iron candle holders for $1.00. (I’ll show you the chandelier on my Friday Finds post)
I started with this part of yard. A few months ago we had the pile of lumber removed and it left this portion of the yard drab (and the soil rich)
I wanted to extend the flower bed down the fence, so I rocked the path.. and began there. This table needed to be freshened up a bit- okay.. A LOT OF BIT.. chuckles..
I pulled this fire screen out of of storage.. (another Goodwill bargain for $6.00) since I was painting.
I decided to use it in the garden. It adds a bit whimsy to the space. I think I like it. How about you?
The bed is coming along nicely. Once I add the remaining plants and mulch, it will look a lot better.
Time to take a break and on the way inside, I happened to notice my pointer finger.. rule #1 use rubber gloves to spray paint, I had a perfectly painted gold finger nail. Lucky polish remover worked.
I was very glad I made a pitcher of flavored water (strawberries and lemons) .. It was quite refreshing after being in the sun a few hours
I’ve made some progress but still have quite a bit to do. Little by little I’ll be finished and back to relaxing in my “Chill-Out” Rest Haven
Sooo.. how was your weekend?
This is an old 4 light lamp. One of the arms broke off and the wiring has been removed..not to mention it’s rusty has heck.. don’t ask me why I didn’t throw it away..(because I’m a pack rat – that’s why).. 🙂
Well, remember I said I’m cleaning out – getting ready for a huge 49-mile yard sale our region is having (so if you’re interested in a weekend thrifting trip, head to Chester, South Carolina June 6-7, to begin your 49 mile junkin’ journey. I gave it a quick coat of copper paint.
But I’m still not going to use it as a lamp… so moving along.. found my vintage hats collection (you’re probably saying – “sheesh…what don’t she collect”.. chuckles…
It’s time to display them properly, after all Spring is coming – add they add a nice touch to the foyer
Just re-arranged the table a tad bit and it’s a simple new look