Last Saturday was that time of year again to go hunting at the annual Big Grab Yard Sale. If you remember the goodies I got last year, well I was on the hunt to find more this year. I know … Continue reading
Last Saturday was that time of year again to go hunting at the annual Big Grab Yard Sale. If you remember the goodies I got last year, well I was on the hunt to find more this year. I know … Continue reading
Good morning and Happy Thursday! For those who watch- it’s the season premier of Scandal – so Gladiators get ready 🙂 wooohoooo!!! So I’m keeping this short and sweet.. I’m so satisfied with my $1.00 frame from The Big Grab last week and I wanted to share my art that I framed in it.
A few months ago I found this original watercolor painting on Chairish and purchased it. The artist painted it on hot press watercolor paper and I simply fell in love with the soft hues, gentle strokes and not to mention, the sheer beauty of the woman she painted. I have to admit, lately I’ve been eyeing watercolor art and I was very pleased when I found this piece. (Isn’t it amazing how our taste changes as we get older)…
On the reverse side of this particular painting are tile patterns inspired by the Azulejo ceramic tiles the artist fell in love with on a trip to Lisbon, Portugal. So it’s like I got two paintings for the price of one.
I tested my art in the frame it was slightly smaller than the opening.. So it would need another matte. However, I wasn’t prepared to take it to get a matte. So I decided to spray the cardboard a glossy black to create the black matte. I used two small pieces of double-sided scotch tape to adhere the picture to the board (I didn’t want to use glue just in case I want to switch it around) and here’s how it looks framed..
I think it looks pretty good in this frame with the color contrast
The picture really pops on the black backdrop.
One thing for sure, it doesn’t look like a frame you’ll get at the Dollar Store for $1.00 and it finishes off this area quite nicely.
Don’t you just love when good bargain works out perfectly – Now I wish I would have gotten a couple more.. Oh well.. I blew it.. But glad this one didn’t get away.
Now you all enjoy your day and have a wonderful evening. See you back here in an few days!
Tah-tah lovies!
This past weekend was The Big Grab Yard Sale and I had the most enjoyable time looking for bargains. There were soooo many vendors – people selling sooooo many things.. OMG! I was completely amazed at what I saw. I’m not going to go on about the sale, but if you ever get a chance, it’s worth doing. I will show you the goodie grabs I saw and the ones I came home with (as if I needed more.. good grief.. my husband is going to strangle me..lol.. we just cleaned out the garage – aye yai yai… :-/
Ok.. first off.. this was my big score. I was totally, totally happy when my eyes spied this set.
I’ve been wanting a wooden salad set but they’re so expensive..so I just gave up the desire, and made do with what I have..But NOW – I’m a salad making, salad eating happy camper.. If you remember, I lucked up and scored a salad spinner a few months back for $2.00 (Yippppeeee!) (and the best part, it was never used.. wow.) It was tagged for $15 but I got it for $12.00 (are you cheeesin’ like me?)
There was a vendor who had a box of frames with mattes and they were all $1.00, couldn’t let that pass me buy, so I got this one.
Mom got this one for her cruise picture.. (I put her picture in it for her – she couldn’t wait to get it in the frame 🙂 – looks pretty darn good especially for $1.00
Next up.. I’ve been needing one of these too.. so for $5.00 – it came home with me.. (my next D.I.M.er – do it myselfer fixer upper – to make it pretty)
I need these like I need a hole in my head.. more music..but I couldn’t pass these up.. 7 cds for $10.00 (there were so many to choose from – so I had to narrow it down)
A good score I picked up for my brother – $15.00 ( YES!! $15.00). He needed a TV stand so badly (I dare not even mention what he had his flat screen on – all I could imagine was it falling over.. yikes!!), but again – way too expensive in the store. So, this here baby was truly, truly a blessing for him.
This cute frame was being thrown away..Luckily I was standing there when the woman said toss it.. I couldn’t snatch it quick enough.. (could you imagine.. ) this will make a really cute mirror and it’s a perfect size to put in my office..
This one house had a few chairs out and I just walked up and was was looking at them. They were tagged for $5.00 – not bad at all for 5 bucks.. but I didn’t need another chair to work on.. so as I began to walk away, the guy said.. listen.. take both of them – I told him naww.. I don’t need another chair..he said “no – I mean take them.. you can have them..! I was like – WHAT!! are you serious…he said yes.. I’ll help you load them. OMG.. I shook my head.. I mean- really?? can I get this lucky with the lottery as I am with junk..lol.. But anyway, I couldn’t get both in my SUV but I did get one.. this one..
I left this one behind… regretfully.. but oh well..- I feel like Ike in “What’s Love Got to Do With It”.. what I’mma do with one more chair..- lol
These pretty pink/green plates and napkins – $3.00 – they’ll come in handy for sure..
This planter was a whopping $0.50 cents.. How dare I walk away from this.. – unheard of
A lion’s head – no way would I leave this behind.. yea it’s pretty beatup and rusted.. but so what..(that’s just a quick spray of paint for a new look)
And last but not least.. I spent my last $0.50 cents on this. The seller had a big collection of SL Cookbooks and was letting them go for .50cents (I wanted them all but I did mention last $0.50 cents) lol… thank God for small favors..
S00000.. that’s all folks.. that sums up all my purchases for this fun event.. I can’t wait till next year..!
Now.. let me just show you a couple of good bargains I left behind..
I really liked these bird pictures. They were matted in a black lacquer bamboo frame.. He had a set of 3 for $40.00. (I’ll regret I left them later)
This desk and chair set was $20.00 – perfect for a dorm room
This USA pottery planter was $8.00 (I’ll regret this one too)
3rd regret…. this Beehive Pitcher.. smh… lift foot- insert kick..
So there you have it.. MY BIG GRABS at THE BIG GRAB.. If you’re interested in attending it.. they have this event every year – first Friday and Sat in September – and remember the I2I-49 Mile Yard Sale is the first Friday and Saturday in June. Hope to see you at one of them! In the meantime.. go hunt and find your next big grab and don’t forget to holla at your girl and keep me posted! Smooches
Hey Y’all! Real quick question— Have you noticed how much stripe taper candles cost.. Geez louise… look here and here.. and World Market has them on sale for $3.00 but that’s for a pair. Well, remember the yard sale I went to a couple weeks ago .. I also found 3 boxes of tapered evening candles for $0.50 a box with 5 candles in each box.
You know I snagged all of them. I knew exactly what I wanted to do .. Stripe them out!! It was so quick and easy and I love how it gave them a bit more elegance.
All I did was tape them up and gave a quick spray of metallic gold. Let dry and now I have a pair of striped gold candles. I saved a few dollars by getting vintage candles from the yard sale and doing it myself. The best part is I’ve got several candles to make different colors and styles with at a fraction of the cost.
So the next time you’re at a yard sale, a thrift store or even Goodwill.. get those candles! Every little bit savings counts.
Another thrifty idea by your Urvintage Girl! Tah-tah!!
First I’d like to say “TGIF”!!! It’s been one of those weeks that Friday couldn’t come soon enough..I’m sure some of you can join me with this feeling. I’ve been hitting Goodwill religiously every week and thought I’d start sharing my finds with you. I’ve found so many great items, some I lucked up being able to buy – some I didn’t get there soon enough and lost out on. I know you’re probably wondering “what the heck is she shopping for now?” (like my husband does) but again .. remember the word.. THRILL.. gotta do it. But actually, I’ve been shopping with a purpose also. I’m helping my brother decorate his home. He purchased a home last year and have been working at it little by little. It was a fixer-upper that was a GODFATHER of a deal.. (you know – an offer he couldn’t refuse). The price ($5,000) he couldn’t resist. Trust me..I didn’t fault him one bit. I’m going to take you on a journey of his house next week – so follow along. But moving on to my Friday Finds..
I was coming home from work last Friday and came across this yard sale in town.. could you believe this set was $40.00 (there are 4 chairs – one just wasn’t in the picture). Naturally – I snagged that.. of course the chairs will be recovered – in due time
This pair of wall sconces were snagged at Goodwill for $4.75ea.. They’ll get a face lift (of course)
This chandelier is perfect for his kitchen (which is yellow and white). This cutey was found at Goodwill for $9.75. I’ll give the gold a new polished look
For me – I like this plate.. the color is springy.. so that came home with me for $1.75
Last but not least.. which I love.. This big Sunflower dish.. I figured it would look lovely propped on his counter. His favorite football team is Minnesota Viking and he’s wanting yellow & purple in his kitchen. So for $2.75 it’s in the trunk headed to its new home.
This is one thing that I couldn’t buy.. can you say “drats, drats and double drats” it was only $40.75 – Someone else beat me to it..
Well guys, these were my Friday Finds.. Tune in again for next Friday to see what else I snag.. Until then.. enjoy your weekend and Happy Hunting!!