One Room Challenge Favorites

Good morning everyone!  I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday, eating, socializing and having somewhat of the fun normalcy in life.   I’m so happy I finished my kitchen in time and was enjoying it, because after spending so much time in there.. I was kind of sick of looking at I stayed in there waaaayyyy toooo much… but joking aside.. I loved every bit of it.  Now that the One Room Challenge is over, I get to ooo & ahhhh over all the fabulous makeovers.  But first I have some pretty cool news to share.. I was invited on the Little Yellow Couch podcast!!  It was such a pleasure having a heartfelt conversation about my vintage style with Zandra.  Come here how style matters to me what started it all.

                                                                                                                                                                 Click the play button right below

Now on to some of the most fabulous makeovers.  One thing I’m amazed about the challenge is how much talent is out there.  I literally was in awe over the stunning makeovers.  I haven’t made it through the extensive list of participants, but I plan to finish it.  In the meantime, I just wanted to share some that caught my eye and that’s gotten me all giddy.





A Soulful Blog


Now, there’s waaaayyyy more out there to enjoy, so if you’re like me and want to see more, more, more.. here’s the link to the ORC.  I hope you enjoy all the makeovers and be inspired to join in and makeover a room.







6 thoughts on “One Room Challenge Favorites

  1. Great interview!! Nice to put a voice to a familiar face. It’s hard to narrow down favorite makeovers in your home. So many features in each room to like!

    • Hey Ruth! Thank you.. yea, i feel ya.. it’s like it’s bit more personal now.. Thank you hanging in here with me and all your moral cyber support

  2. Cool!!!!! That’s the first time I’ve heard your voice. I was expecting a Southern lilt! Surprised that you named your office as your most satisfying makeover. I thought for sure you were going to say your kitchen! But for just under $100 to complete it, I get it. Congratulations on the podcast!

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