Hey Hey!!!!! Hoping all is well with you….. It’s been a minute since I’ve shared a $2.00 blog post. Sharing my latest and a few greatests for inspiration. Hard to believe there are still some good scores out there, but … Continue reading
Hey Hey!!!!! Hoping all is well with you….. It’s been a minute since I’ve shared a $2.00 blog post. Sharing my latest and a few greatests for inspiration. Hard to believe there are still some good scores out there, but … Continue reading
I know there’s a lot of pillow talk going on right now – and why? Because pillows are the easiest way to update the look of any room or furniture. Now it’s time for me to join in the conversation – I began my pillow talk this past week. Spring is coming and I wanted to add a few of them around the house. After having new pillows on Grace, I realized it’s time to refresh pillows around the house.
My story began with this gorgeous fringe I found while clearing out a closet. I actually forgot I had it and when I saw it that’s when it hit me.. Pillow Time!
Can’t let good fringe go to waste.. So next stop.. The fabric shop. I’ve been on my animal print kick for a while, and luck be the lady, I found the perfect fabric that satisfied my wild side. The fabric was $15.00/yard ( I know.. Ouch) but I couldn’t resist. My savings came in the pillow forms. Again, I got lucky (on the thrift side) and found feather down pillows at Goodwill for $1.00 each. I removed the old fabric and created 3 new pillows for less than $20.00 Here are my new pillows:
Not bad right.. The fringe really gave the pillows a high end designer look. I’m loving my “J” style pillows, and there are few that I’ve been fiending over that I’d like to share with as well.
Interior designer, LindaG, makes some of the best pillows.. here are a few of my favorites
Visit her blog to see more of her creations… You’ll truly be inspired
If sewing isn’t your thing, I found this gorgeous fur pillow here .. I’m really considering this style in the master bedroom.
And to mix it with some champagne bling would be great.. Like these here babies
And if you’ve got money to burn (unlike your thrifty girl) tickle your fancy and check out the pillows featured on Chairish.
Here’s one last swoon-worthy pillow to talk about .. Gotta love it..
To see more fab pillows follow my Pillow Talk Pinterest Board
I’m taking it room by room for a Spring re-fresher .. But pillows are definitely in the making. What are you up to for getting Spring ready? Oh and I hope you enjoyed my little throwback Pillow Talk tune.. It’s one of my all time favorites.. Up next.. My One Room Challenge – Living Room $100.00 makeover.. Stay tune .. Until then Happy Hunting ! Smooches!!
I really wasn’t planning to post today, but I was traveling down the road (getting off the grind) and this came on the radio…and next thing I know.. I’m bopping my head, tapping my feet turning the volume up to listen to this song and loving this tune. Now you know how much I love music and the old Motown classics are so fantastic.. the beat, the lyrics, the sound all makes for good listening music. I’d not heard this and said to myself “WOW”.. I really like this .. and just wanted to share.
So while I’m cruising and enjoying this tune, thoughts of the sixties popped in my head. The style of fashion, home decor and how life in the 60’s was like. After posting about the whimsical beautiful Enid Collins bags, I’m kinda wanting another one, but I want to catch one at an estate sale rather than online.. and you know that’ll be just like trying to find “A Needle In a Haystack” lol.. I’m on the hunt for either of these two.. (because you know how much I love flowers)
and you know how slow I can be with things… heeeheeeheeee
Ok, so… , I’m just going to share a few sixties images that caught my eye for your perusing pleasure as you’re sitting there reading this, tapping your feet and bopping to the music. I’ve always loved the Supremes style of dressing – they were such a “class act”
Home decor back then had clean straight angles.. A classic mod-style and do you see the price of this entire set….Oh my goodness!!!! WOW!!! (and this style has made a great comeback – thanks to Madmen)
Here’s another cheerful living room that is absolutely mod-fab (I could definitely see me living here.. do you see those lamps and chairs!!)
Notice how this design style has made a comeback (the polka-dot walls)
So can you imagine, listening to this song, wearing your mod outfit, headed to your glamorously decorated 1960’s ranch style home, riding down the highway in this..
with the top down ..
We caught this guy riding in his car (the same day we were stepping out with our Enid Collins bag) and he was so nice to let us photograph his car. Shouting out a big “Thank you” to the nice gentlemen 🙂
I hope you enjoyed my “Throwback to the Sixties” moment.. Until next time Lovies… smooches.!
One thing I’ve often said is music is so much a part of my life and I love sharing it.. Which is why sometimes I’ll do a post with a song to reflect what or how I’m feeling. Not sure if you listen to any of them, if so, that’s great to hear, if not, it’s cool.. Not everyone digs music.. (Yea, I still use the old school lingo “Dig” chuckles.. Ooops, I just gave away my age.. (I’m a ’60’s baby). Not sure if you know the music of Cassandra Wilson. She’s a jazz singer and I truly adore her style and cultural bohemian vibe. When I listen to her my mind wonders to some exotic places where I can admire different textures and styles pulled together to create that Afro-centric flair.. Here are some images I captured to share with you…
Which brings me to feature the home of someone who is dear to me… My aunt – we lovingly refer to as “Pookie”. Her home is filled with such cultural vibes and exotic touches..and she is a die-hard DIYer and thrifter. On my trip home last week I visited her and when I walked in I immediately said.. I wanted to welcome you into her home so… Welcome to Pookie’s Paradise…
When you enter, your eyes are greeted by the African mask displayed inside a wooden textured oval frame. I remember when she got the frame.. We were all at a flea market and a man had a truck load of huge frames he was needing to get rid of.. what luck we had that day..the only unlucky part was our truck wasn’t big enough to take all of them..lol.. but we all managed to score at least two each 🙂 .
She’s not one to fuss with long drapery, and loves to expose her bay windows and let all the sunshine in, so she opted to Go-Green to cover her windows.. I’m totally envious of her green thumb.. (but thankfully it’s starting to rub off on me). These are all her babies she meticulously takes care of. Some of which she’s had for over 20 years..
To your right you’ll spot this cozy corner which has a few collectibles she’s had for decades, like the hand carved wooden statue.. A snazzy, cool find she picked up in St. Marteen
And if you eyes caught the painting – like mine- guess what — she’s the artist.. She painted that approximately 40 years ago..It’s called Crying Heart and totally LOVE IT!!
Resting on her coffee table is another hand carved wooden sculpture that she picked up in the Caribbean.
Every little corner is influenced with cultural accents..
Step to her outdoor living space and this is the showpiece in her garden. The outdoor faux “fireplace”. This is a curbside find and her creative juices flowed and this is what she did with it.
And at night.. look how it’s lit up.. and no it’s not a real fire, it’s red lights inside to create the fire effect. Isn’t it fab..
This space is called the Hobbit Hole.. chuckles.. (how cute)…
The stained glass has an image that looks sort of like a bug… and the fox and midget chair are perfect accents for a hobbit..
She’s got little pockets of garden candy all around her yard and you can see more here. But before you go, I’d like to introduce you to the lovely lady behind the home of Pookie’s Paradise..
That’s my aunt and I love her and the home she and her husband, Clay made. It’s one you just kick your shoes off, sit back, relax and enjoy all the good food, music and cultural vibes they share. I can’t wait to go back to visit again. If you enjoyed this post and missed my other “Inspired by Music” posts you can see more here. Until next time – Smooches!!
I have to admit I’ve been in a slump these days – well not a real slump – but just pretty much taking my time, not being rushed or putting myself on time frames. I’ve been watching The Ken Burns Jazz Series. It’s featured on Netflix and if you get the chance to watch it – I highly recommend it. As I watched, I reflected back when I had the opportunity to tour the home of Louis Armstrong. The excitement mixed with anticipation made me feel like “gitty-little” girl waiting to open a present. I was just completely overwhelmed with joy as we rode to Corona,Queens, NY. Louis Armstrong was my first introduction to Jazz and I love his music and here I am.. en route to his home. We pulled up to the two story brick frame and I felt a tingling sensation all the while thinking – “WOW” – (hindsight is 20/20 – I wish I had started my blog back then.. I’d have pictures galore to show you..) But since I didn’t, I’m sharing some pictures I pulled from various websites to give you a glimpse of what I saw.
This is Louis Armstrong’s humble abode;
The living room was so finely decorated with embossed wallpaper and trinkets purchased from all over the world where he traveled (I love the artwork!!)
The kitchen equally beautiful, was state of the art for that time period. I fell in love with the blue enamel kitchen
Take a look at this stunning bathroom. The ceiling and walls were all mirrored and graced with solid brass fixtures and marble tiles. This bath was befitting for the king of jazz and one of Louis’s favorite rooms.
The office is where Louis comes alive. As you enter you’ll hear a recording of his voice in the air.. having conversations. It was almost as if he was there. The door you see here leads to the balcony where Louis would go out and serenade the neighborhood… (could you imagine how awesome that must have been!!)
The master bedroom, simply exquisite and tastefully decorated with embossed wallpaper and matching blinds
The master bedroom closet was very spacious and uniquely designed.
And this is the adjoining master bath
The garage was converted into a museum and gift shop where you’ll find all his clippings, albums, writings, and Louis’s collectibles.
The King’s prized trumpet rests in it’s case.
Now they offer summer jazz concerts inside his Japenese inspired garden
I never had the opportunity to see him play live in concert, but after taking this tour, I felt that I had connected with the man who revolutionized the beautiful music of “Jazz”. Leaving the home with eyes moist of joy, my soul had been satisfied.
I hope you enjoyed the quick tour of the lovely home Lucille created for her and Louis. With the joys, laughter and wonderful music, this is the place where they lived until death did they part.
If you ever have the chance to visit New York, by all means, head over to Corona and take the tour because there’s so much more to see. You can read more about the house on the museum’s website here and booking a tour here. Louis Armstrong may be gone, but he’ll never be forgotten. His legacy of wonderful music was an inspiration to many and will always live.
“He inspired thousands of trumpets, inspired countless vocations, enchanted millions of friends, who quite simply, listend. For me, he’s the epitome of the kind of American who goes beyond the rules, a truly good and original man” – Duke Ellington