Hey Guys, it’s been a minute since hearing from me. I took a break to play catch-up with a few things I needed to take care of. Today I decided to say “Hi” and remember me (smiles).. One chore I had, had, had to take care of was cleaning out my fridge. I always dread this chore because I have to take out the glass shelving (which is a pain in the you know “what”). There was spill and needless to say – time to get it done. I purchased some large placemats from Goodwill a while back for $1.00 and decided to use them on the shelves therefore, if there’s another spill – just simply take out the mat – wipe it down and replace. Makes my job easier. I even like the tropical color it adds to the fridge.

I had some leftover so I decided to use them on my herbal cart too – to add a bit of extra protection from the rain

I found these cute little tags at Michael’s and used them for the herbal pots ( I have to get more)

Our town had a Mother’s Day Sale and I set up a table to sell a few things (which wasn’t a big success). Trying to offer something unique and different, I was hopeful the candle wick dippers would sell. As the old saying goes -If I was paid for every compliment, I’d be rich 🙁

The Wick Dippers were hand-cafted by LindaG of A Perfect Day to Dream. These exquisite one of kind pieces sell for $10.00. It is a perfect elegant accessory for candle lovers. You can view the collection along with the Bohemian Butterfly Suncatchers on her site www.aperfectdaytodream.wordpress.com. If you’d like to order one for yourself or as a gift, feel free to contact me or LindaG.

Aren’t they beautiful!!!

By using these, save your breath and there’s no smoke after putting the candle out.
Then I had the house power washed.. The dark stains on the porch were nerve wrecking.

It really made a difference – looks a lot brighter.

(I’ll re-arrange it later.. I ordered a pretty rug to brighten up the space). I’m changing the door color and I’ve narrowed my search to these two colors. I’m pushing closer to the darker teal. I’m feeling that color alot. (Decisions, decisions) Luckily I’ll only need a quart so if I don’t like it.. just move on to another color. (What’s your opinion?)

The deck was finally stained. I was nervous about the dark color but I actually like it. I’ll be working on decorating it in the next few weeks. I’m excited about that. One thing for sure is – it’s going to be colorful!

I planted more flowers in the blank corner of the garden. This week I’ll put mulch down and it’s finished. This is the space before:

I filled in these pots and took them from this

To this:

And in the midst of all this, I’m slowly getting my Chill-Out Rest Haven together. I can’t wait to sit back, relax and enjoy the summer.,
Lastly, I still want to show you my brother’s house. It’s coming quite nice and he’s getting excited to be moving in there.

I also used this down time to blog search, catch up with email and find other inspiring pictures which I will soon share. So, what have you been up too?
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